Thank you for sharing your gift!
A. When I tune into this, I put the intent out there to have several questions answered, but as I focus I cannot see this man connected to the MH370 flight. I keep hearing and seeing references to him being a fisherman. It is true that he was found, was in poor health, dehydrated and having memory issues, but it was related to some kind of fishing or boating expedition. I also get that if you were to search the missing persons reported he would be able to be paired up with one of those images.
When i think more about the MH370 to see where the energy is directing me, I get that "the energy tied to this flight has evaporated and shifted elsewhere." When I ask for clarification (what does that even mean??) I get that when the MH370 was misdirected, taken over, camouflaged to look like the MH17 and then later shot down, the energy force tied to the tangible plane was released. The residual memory of the event is recorded (I hear akashic records??), but the plane itself has been destroyed.
The passengers that have crossed over into spirit used to look like they were pooled together. When I would tune into the event, I would see many of them together. Now, they look as though they have dispersed and gone back to family, friends and places significant to them during their life. The energy surrounding the event is still there, but the intensity has faded as if it was diluted.. (?)
Q. Why was this story even created?
A. I get it was to bring life back to this story. It was a huge mystery covered by all types of media, and by drawing attention to it (even if it is false) attracts people. There are many unanswered questions, people still want closure, and people don't want this to go unforgotten.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
Thanks Lynn,I and George have same story regarding mh370/,mh17
Thank you for this update-that event was a watershed moment for me and opened my eyes to reality vs perception, human vs humanity and made me question everything!
I remember reading your post about Dr. Bradstreet and I was shocked, scared and in disbelief (It is hard for me to believe he isn’t here anymore-how can good people continue to be wiped off the planet????)
Finding your website-- I consider it serendipity or as I have learned (from this website) universal consciousness, multiple time lines, piercing the veil, etc. To me, you are speaking for those who cannot speak and (in)sight for those who choose to see (like me). Thank you for your continued dedication-Namaste
What happened to the MH17 plane that took off from the Netherlands, then, if it was not shot down by the Ukrainian air force plane?
@Portis Old readings of Lynn about :
It was this story that brought me to this very site.
Seems to me, after reading the posts from 2014 on this topic, that it might be worthwhile for everyone to say a prayer for all the people who were injured or killed in this "event" and the MH17 shoot down. I shudder to think abut the suffering the family members of all these people experience, and I'm sure their suffering is only made the more acute by all the tremendous weirdness and secrecy and war-mongering that surrounds these two planes.
Could there be some collective karmic issue being worked out now?
Congrats Lynn ..... you reached 3 million followers! Great!
Can you give a little reading on the Flint water crisis . Is it go get better and why was this left to happen. Was it on purpose?
Congrats on 3M hits on your blog!
Is your town going to hold a parade or create a holiday in your honor?
hi lynn. are the family members of the victims being hushed? i dont understand how the families have not made more noise over their still missing loved ones... its been a long while and they should have put two and two together to demand the truth and out the govt on the fake searches still apparently being carried out.
Congrats on the 3,000,000 hits! It's a great milestone that speaks well of both you and those who've discovered your site!
I thought they were on some island with the whole briefcase thing.
3,000,000 + !!! felicitaciones Lynn!
Thanks everyone for the well wishes on the 3 million. It is very humbling that this blog has grown this much! I have tremendous gratitude for all of you!
@Jacob: They were taken to an island, and then taken captive somewhere near or on Great Cocos. At that point some were sacrificed and others were held for their industrial intelligence.
@Portis: The MH17 is still in a hanger waited to be used... I cannot fully see the intentions behind it (I would really need to meditate on that...)
@John: I agree. There is some kind of collective karma or energy shift tied with vibrations tied to this...
The story is a hoax. The man in the photo is a Myanmar migrant who was hospitalised in 2013 after being attacked, allegedly.
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