Q. Hi Lynn! With the recent popularity of the Netflix documentaries "Making a Murderer" ... Can you shed some light on the truth of what happened? Who really killed Teresa Halbach?
A. (I want to disclose that before I did this reading I did watch the 2 minute trailer of this series so I could see what he looked like and pick up on his energy...)
As I focus on Steven Avery, and see him serving his original sentence, I see a man that actually handled his first sentence well (for being wrongly convicted). He had a rough adjustment period in the beginning, but transitioned into living in an incarcerated situation (regarding behavior and respecting authority). He had done bad things, but knew he didn't deserve what was happening. He made enemies with the local police (was a trouble maker and had broken the law), so he was a likely target for this first murder. I get the police got a lot of praise for "convicting a murderer," so for the police it was a win-win situation. The police convicted someone they didn't like and got a lot of positive publicity.
One thing he did do was continue to talk to people and plead his innocence. By continuing to keep the case alive (at least energetically) he finally got a break and was able to prove his innocence by DNA proof.
And that is where the backlash occurs... The police (and officials tied to the account) that were so highly praised are now being scrutinized for their incomplete investigation and called out for their actions during this case. There is also a certain amount of "bullying" feel to all this as well. On top of all of this, a huge financial win looks to be rewarded to Steven Avery, which was a man that this police department despised. Them seeing him getting all this money infuriated them even more. I get the police are corrupt (or at least were during the first case and leading into the second one in 2005). Rather than being accountable for their actions they took their anger and began to plot their revenge. I get this revenge planning started soon after his release.... They just needed an opportunity..
Q. So, what really happened to Teresa Halbach?...
A. I get an image of a woman and she is walking around a white tattered building. It has the feel of an old barn with some larger trees on the property line. As she walks she is snapping pictures, and two guys walk up to her and start to harass her. She tries to ignore them, but they keep following her, asking questions, and she starts to grow more and more uncomfortable. They ask her out for drinks, and when she declines they say "Why not? Aren't we good enough for you?" and things like that. She looks to try to get to her car, but they block her and one grabs her by the waist and sort of drags her to an area behind this white building... (I am stopping there..)
Q. Who are the guys that approached her?
A. I get they knew Steven Avery, but Steven Avery wasn't involved. I get the impression that they are one step removed from him (best friends, brothers, uncles, neighbor). I keep wanting to say it wasn't him, but it is someone that you would see stand beside him.. I also want to say something about construction, like they did labor intensive construction work. They have on work boots, dirty jeans, flannel shirts and both have dirty nails. One of them is chewing something like he has an oral fetish type habit (I first get chewing tobacco, and then see him chewing a straw??).
Q. How did the police do this a second time?
A. I hear a chuckle, and then a voice says in a matter of fact way, "It simple, you plant evidence."
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you.
I am a mom of 4 with a passion for helping others. Using an intuitive spin I write on a variety of [controversial] topics. My goal is to find truth and offer guidance. You can request a topic for the Public Blog or schedule a Personal Intuitive Health, Wealth, Relationship or Happiness Coaching Session by clicking the appropriate tab. Please consider checking out exclusive content on my SubscribeStar and Substack channel. God Bless, Lynn
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Lynn, I love how you said he kept his case alive "energetically." And look what a difference it made...what it brought up to the surface. It was definitely not anything he would have anticipated throughout his long journey.
It is interesting that you said it was two guys and they were 'one step' removed from him.
He recently said that his two brothers were responsible. It would be interesting to know if either one of them chewed tobacco or chewing gum like you suggested.
I find it telling how this is cycling in the news right now along with those Hammond bros who get literally NO LOVE at all and everyone is so on board with the 'Making a Murderer' situation. I am not trying to downplay how he has been framed and mistreated only trying to show the difference in the way ppl process events, what matters, what does not. He is the underdog here and clearly everyone can relate to being an underdog, I guess. But can they relate to being a patriot? I guess not.
The programming is deep my friends, it is very dark and deep. And Lynn your reading about her reality, I feel that is so real, I felt the sadness, too and don't want to look any further to those 2. Makes me sick that humans are so cruel to each other. That I will never understand.
(I tried to edit this post and notice that their is no option, oh well I made a mass here on your blog Lynn. Whoops!)
Will Steven ever be found innocent? Or will he spend the rest of his life in jail? This is such a sad and twisted story.
Will Steven or his nephew get a new trial? Will they be found innocent? Was she killed off of the property and then her car and body brought to the property to frame Steven? If so, by who? Were those really her bones in the fire pit, and if so, were they burned beforehand elsewhere, and then put there? Will the real perpetrators be brought to justice?
I find your reading very interesting. This case has made an impact on so many people and I do not believe that Steve Avery or Brendan Dassey are guilty as charged. On the day of the murder, Steve said his nephew's care was in the driveway when he paid Teresa. He went back inside for a moment and when he returned his nephew Bobby's car was gone. (apparently hunting) He supposedly passed Scott Tadych heading east on Hwy 147W. (Both Bobby and Scott's timelines came into question because there were witnesses who disputed their claims - such as the school bus driver).
Right accross the street from Scott Tadych's known residence at the time is a white barn with silo on the side of the road. https://www.google.com/maps/place/9444+W+Main+St,+Mishicot,+WI+54228/@44.2522581,-87.6629575,194m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m7!1m4!3m3!1s0x88032fb26b26e25b:0x9c251deff72b25ce!2s9444+W+Main+St,+Mishicot,+WI+54228!3b1!3m1!1s0x88032fb26b26e25b:0x9c251deff72b25ce . Could you please copy and paste the link into googlemaps.com and let me know if this is what you saw in your focus session? In case the link doesn't work, the address for the barn is 9444 W Main St, Mishicot, Wisconsin. Then you can do a street view. It sounds oddly similar to what you described and is coincidentally too close to Scott Tadych's residence. Thank you.
It is convenient that Scott tadych and I think Steven dasseys brother went on a hunting trip many miles away. When I saw the documentary, I thought of why that day they went so far and why no one looked into their alibi
Thanks you for the comments and thoughts on this. This case is very sad in many ways.
Lynn are you able to see if Steven Avery and Brandon dassey will have a chance at a new trial? What will it take- new evidence? Finding who really did it?
Why is his ex coming out and saying this stuff now about Steven? Is she being forced to say this?
Perhaps the voicemail that were deleted were from the person asking her to come take pictures of the white building...
Sorry, folks, as you know there is no edit key. I hate typos.
@Dawn Greunke - apparently she's now married to one of the brothers Steven is accusing. I'm not psychic, but I was wondering if HLN may have paid her to say something to boost ratings and publicity. This is Nancy Grace's home network and she's been trying to gain publicity and say that he did it.
BTW, I thought you guys would be interested in this excellent psychic reading from Thought Catalog http://thoughtcatalog.com/m-j-pack/2016/01/my-clairvoyant-friend-and-i-are-digging-deep-into-the-mystery-of-making-a-murderer-part-two/ It corroborates well with this reading.
Hanni, the person you're referring to re: marriage is Steven's ex-wife, Lori, who is married to the Dassey Boys father. The ex-fiance (Jodi) is not (to my knowledge) in any relationship with another Avery.
Alright, Lisa, thank for the correction.
However, I still wonder about how opportunistic his ex is . . .
I get a feel that both brothers were paid to frame Stephen and money is quite powerful. I find it odd that the a very law was passed by a house of Representative who now works as a judge of appeals which says that these cases will always be denied. What is his role in this. Again a payout.
When I looked up the google maps address that above post recommend as a possible murder site. (Above comment by Hope Davis) I had huge movement of energy through my crown chakra, I have done much energy work in my life so it my sound strange to many but for me it is business as usual. It was a huge energetic hit that made the hair stand up on my arms. A huge movement like this makes me feel like this is a great place to start looking for new evidence. I usually don't get involved with things like this because, I am mostly a healer with my energy work. Somehow I have become infatuated with this case and following my gudience is very important to my path in this lifetime. I feel strongly that in some strange way getting to the truthfulness of what happened here has something to do with a karmic healing of not only the direct soul group involved in this Lila, but also our soul group connection as a country. It is important for our healing and growth in the human condition to bring human justice more in line with divine truth, this is a great opportunity to heal. There are a bunch of past life karmas being played out in the primary soul group of course, all these players have played this game before. Steven Avery in a past life incarcerated falsely in a position of power all of the players that set him up on this lifetime. Unfortunately they didn't step off the wheel of karma when they had the chance to break the cycle, but we can learn to heal in a bigger way by righting this human mind body complex injustice and heal in a larger soul group way. I feel strongly that this was the site of the murder and 5 souls were involved with this murder. I hope this inspires souls to seek the truth for our human health and step off this wheel of karma....Namaste
I agree, I am very drawn to this case and praying that he is proved innocent. I watched the whole documentary and it is so obvious that they are innocent. I also have an autistic son and imagine if the cops did that to my son.
Please forgive me but I feel very compelled to weigh in on this mystery. First off what happen to these guys Steven and Brendan yet tragic, is not near as tragic as the loss of a life named Terresa Halbeck. Let us not forget that she has passed in a some murderous way. Everything I see is in this case will come to pass as the truth will set them free. Getting to the un- corrupted truth is the hard part. Let us please focus on her death first and the rest will fall in to place as need be. My viewing sees her not far from the Avery Salvage yard say about 1/4 to 1/2 mile from there. Car off the road in a ditch with a trail leading off in to a field where she is taking pictures of a structure and landscape. I see her standing and focusing her camera sun on her back left shoulder. Then I see her go down like a rag doll, and lay motionless in very tall grass or corn or wheat some vegetation. As I view daylight is fast fading to darkness. This all I have right now. I will try and focus my energy more and see what I can come up with. Peace be with you
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