Q. Can you over the next few weeks do a short/quick reading on the death of the dollar? And, if you still see trouble by Christmas? And, the rise in gold and silver?
A. Every time I tune into gold, silver, the dollar or the economy in general, I see Christmas trees. I get a strong connection to December or early January. I see that last Christmas (Christmastime in 2014) there should have been some kind of collapse, and freewill from some key players intervened and prevented it from happening. This financial shift looks inevitable even though it didn't happen when it was "supposed" to happen. I am looking for this "event" to occur at the end of 2015 or early 2016. The energy toward this feels very strong..
During a recent discussion I had in which gold and silver were being discussed I was asked what the Christmas tree looked like, and I realized it looked to be somewhat symbolic also. I always see a "cartoon" version of the tree (I will include an image in the post). This looks to be symbolic of the time the "shift" is supposed to happen (ie Christmas, winter), and ALSO what the lead up will look like in regards to the market. Let me explain...
I see saw teeth (also in cartoon form) showing me what the market will do in reference to silver. I always see the "saw teeth" (in cartoon form which I included a picture) after I see the Christmas tree. If you turn a tree on its' side, it also looks like saw teeth. My impression is that I am being shown a time frame, and also an image of what to expect (with the highs and lows, which slowly grow in valuation with regards to silver).
My overall impression I get is that at the end of the fourth quarter in 2015 or early 2016 we will have an economic shift. I see the stock market having jagged highs and lows (like a Christmas tree on its' side or teeth on a saw) leading up to that point. People that know how to play the market will make money (buy low and sell high), and it is their last ditch effort to make money before the collapse. They will also use this opportunity to buy physical silver low (because of the manipulation of silver that is going on) and using this advantage to diversify their investments to retain wealth after the shift by slowly converting their gains into a physical asset.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-

I see saw teeth (also in cartoon form) showing me what the market will do in reference to silver. I always see the "saw teeth" (in cartoon form which I included a picture) after I see the Christmas tree. If you turn a tree on its' side, it also looks like saw teeth. My impression is that I am being shown a time frame, and also an image of what to expect (with the highs and lows, which slowly grow in valuation with regards to silver).
My overall impression I get is that at the end of the fourth quarter in 2015 or early 2016 we will have an economic shift. I see the stock market having jagged highs and lows (like a Christmas tree on its' side or teeth on a saw) leading up to that point. People that know how to play the market will make money (buy low and sell high), and it is their last ditch effort to make money before the collapse. They will also use this opportunity to buy physical silver low (because of the manipulation of silver that is going on) and using this advantage to diversify their investments to retain wealth after the shift by slowly converting their gains into a physical asset.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
Huh?! How you post there
Lynn: do you see anything happening on 10/20 as some are predicting? There have been scanty reports (that may have been disinfo) of police ops in Manhattan last week in preparation for something.
Something, that is, like a run on banks, etc.
Fear huh?
I have read that silver will drop to unreasonable lows like 5 dollars an ounce before it rises dramatically. Will there be a dramatic drop prior to the rise or will it continue to rise slowly ? Thanks.
@Raymond Where did you read that 5 $ silver?
Why make the money at all if it is supposed to become worthless? Does the dollar retain any value during this reset?
Do you see currencies of countries that depend on oil exports (such as Russia) to appreciate or depreciate after the collapse of the dollar?
Do you find any merit to the analysis from Ken who writes the 'redifininggod' blog?
He brings up the strange Christine Lagarde speech on the global economy where she begins with: "Now I’m going to test your numerology skills by asking you to think about the Magic 7”…
The next '7' was to be in September, but was missed. Ken concludes his blogpost by writing:
"Although the globalists appear to have pressed the delay button, they certainly haven’t pressed the cancel button. They have a chance to trigger the same three events starting at the end of this month, and that will be the subject of the next update."
He outlines the triggers that should have happened to prompt the crisis, like a Fed interest rate hike plus government shutdown but neither were put into action.
@Dada: I don’t see anything happening on that short of a time frame. I feel we are going to ride this out for a short time still..
@Raymond, Baku and Dan: I don’t see silver getting that low. It will fluctuate, but I can’t see by that much. They are driving the price lower than the true value so they can buy it up. The PTB are making money in the stock market to buy the physical silver while the price is falsely deflated.
@Alex: I see a lot of volatility with the markets. I do see some deflation in those economies, but they look to slowly come back..
@Jana: I actually did a reading on that speech. I do feel there are a lot of clues and merit to the analysis that was done on it.
@ Lynn and Jana...
I wonder what kind of results you would get if you were to do a reverse speech analysis on what Christine Lagarde said ? I know some people think the idea is ridiculous but some of the results I have seen were interesting.
I'd like to be present at a social gathering with Lagarde and her political cronies and hear what they talk about in private. I bet it would be interesting.
@Raymond: I think it would be very interesting. I would have to agree with you!
@ Raymond G,
I too, have the fly on the wall dreams. I'd like it, just because I'd have definite intel on what we're doing, that drives them nuts, or what we're wasting our time on. Kind of like, how they use their mass spy digital spy grid, or at least attempt to... I'm guess they're over whelmed with cute cat videos and Facebook post about traffic too :-)
Hannon - you mean like this video - 'Kissed to sleep':
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