Monday, September 10, 2018

Ghost Ship

Q.  Can you look at this ghost ship?  "GHOST SHIP" Appears After 9 Years.. Something's Not Right

"The sudden appearance of a massive ‘ghost’ ship off the coast of southern Myanmar has shocked local fishermen who were stunned to find the freighter carried no cargo nor traces of crew. After nearly a decade lost at sea the ‘Sam Ratulangi PB 1600,’ finally ran aground on a sandbar approximately seven miles (11km) off the coast of Thama Seitta village of this week.  The fishermen boarded and inspected the ship after reporting it to local authorities. Teams from the navy, coast guard and police all subsequently searched the abandoned freighter which reportedly measures an impressive 177.35 meters in length, 27.91 meters in width and weighs 26,510 tons.  “No crew or cargo was found on the ship. It was quite puzzling how such a big ship turned up in our waters,” Ne Win Yangon, local MP for the nearby Thongwa municipality said, as cited by the Myanmar Times. “The authorities are keeping a watch on it.”
The ship is reported to have sailed under the flag of Indonesia and was last spotted off Taiwan in 2009. When the Burmese Navy inspected the ship on August 30, it had split in half having been beached on a sand bar for several days.
“In my opinion, the ship was recently abandoned. There must be a reason (why it was abandoned),” Aung Kyaw Linn, general secretary of the Independent Federation of Myanmar Seafarers said.
The Myanmar Department of Marine Administration is attempting to track down the ship’s owner but may be forced to salvage the vessel itself, reports The Irrawaddy."  -
A. As I tune into this I see this like a mini movie playing out.  I see the crew being excited as they board the ship.  It isn't so much about the trip, but the excitement to make money.  They feel lucky to have a chance to make this kind of money for their family.  Even though it isn't much, they feel thankful to have a job as the economy feels tough during the time.  

After being on the ship for a short time, it looks like the ship started to endure some mechanical problems that created some small set backs.  The ship could run, but it could not run full force (like an engine, generator, turbine, etc went out, but there was a "back up" system that could work in its' place).  The backup wasn't meant to be a long term solution, but would allow them to get to their destination.

Due to the tough economy, there are a lot of people near poverty in nearby countries.  Fishing looks like it was one of the jobs that people could make money, so there were several boats and ships on the waters owned by fishermen and fishing companies.  This created an opportunity for the desperate (and "less moral") to basically take what they want (steal through pirating).  I hear that "crime on the water was a real concern."

I see the "Ghost Ship" was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and was attacked by one of the pirate ships.  It looks as though there was a little struggle, but ultimately the pirates got control of the ship.  They not only wanted the ship, but they wanted the goods that were on board.  I see they overpowered the crew, and basically made them work for them until the got the ship back to a port where they could take anything of value off and sell (some place near Singapore??).  

The crew was hoping to be set free, but these "pirates" don't feel to have a lot of compassion.  I see they left with the crew on the Ghost Ship and took the ship into the Indian Ocean area.  They kept the crew as hostages.  The ship finally broke down in the ocean due to running it over extended for this whole time (the other engine, turbine, etc burned up).  The pirates were irate that it could not be fixed, and executed the crew at that time.  They took anything else that could be of use, and abandoned the ship in the ocean.  

Several years later the ship resurfaced (was basically washed up onto the shore).  Please send some light and peace to the crew, and help their families as they try to get closure on this horrible ordeal.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
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  1. Left a comment on Real Video, and love your new format where we see you giving the read which gives a whole new dimension to your words we've been following here. This is a fascinating read on a true mystery. It's amazing this ship could have been lost for so long, that it didn't sink and perhaps drifted empty for years.

  2. It's a shame that a group of men would be working so hard to make an honest living and then end up being victimized this way. There are some evil people in this world.

  3. Can you also update us on the MH370 Malaysian Airlines that was supposedly found in Cambodia. It seems hard to believe that no one would spot such a massive plane in the Cambodian moubtainside. I remember that MH370 was what brought me to your blog.

    Thank you!

  4. @Robert: Thank you so much Robert. I appreciate the kind words.

    @Domestic Goddess: I have not heard this. I will have to look into it. Thanks for the comment.

  5. This is like one of those ufo-pictures that turn out to be fake. How about having a substitute reading on a lost ship that met much a cooler fate, like ending up in another dimension?
