I've been reading articles and postings on a blog by a gentleman called Arn Allingham (Zingdad) where he has some very interesting articles on Brexit, USA Elections 2016 and the Ruling elite/cabal families. Below is his website.
Two weeks ago, he posted an article and video that the main Dark / Deep state family leader - the Red Shield Illuminati, who is actually an ancient vampire was killed, and that is what has led to the continual craziness been exhibited especially in the USA politics on one hand, and on the other the continual revelations and scandals coming to the open. This is the family behind EU, the banking cartel, New world order, PTW and Hillary was their candidate. So they had two major setbacks to their complete world/global domination recently vis a vis Brexit and the Hillary Clin... presidential loss. We are in a totally different timeline which doesn't have the likely hood of a WW III.
He briefly explains it on his web page below attached
And also on this video:
It does, to be honest sound legit and somehow explains how things are the way they are.
Could you please share your feelings and observations regarding this information. Thanks.
A. I do see there are people out there that are very in tune with their higher selves and can also connect with higher beings (their energy combined with a more concentrated ET / starseed component in their DNA strengthens the connection). I get that "Zingdad" is one of those people, and he is receiving messages. I get his messages come through In "packets" and he sometimes has to put them together like a puzzle. For the most part he gets it correctly, but occasionally things get crossed when he puts his fingerprints on them.
With regard to an Illuminati leader dying, there has been a lot of death surrounding the Deep State take down. I get many powerful people are going into hiding, some are suiciding themselves (rather than face the consequences), some have faced their fate at the hands of someone else, and some are willing themselves to leave this 3D earth. I can't see that a major leader "died," but I do get that the PTW (Powers that Were) in general are weaker, allowing for scandals to arise (and not be deflected) and agendas are gettomg redirected. There is still a lot of positive change that needs to occur, but we are headed in the right direction.
With the current path we are on, I do see WWIII being avoided. However, I do see some other types of civil revolutions occurring though (countries fighting their own battles regaining rights and resetting what was lost during the PTW's agendas that "were" in motion. It is true that H1llary was their candidate, and her being defeated was one of the first in a long line of blows to their goals at destabilizing countries and trying to gain a world dominance (there is still the push with the refugee and migration situation occurring in Europe, and the border issues with the US). They tried hard to undo what was done by instigating an investigation citing Russ1an collus10n in the election, which is a huge time waste and cost the people thousands upon thousands of tax dollars. I get that even though fake dossiers were used, they hoped to find "something, anything that would implicate Trum9 or his administration in some way." They just could not accept they lost (they thought they were invincible). It was as if something intervened and changed our timeline (we are definitely on another path).
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
YouTube: https://youtu.be/jdpSvDzNfKE
REAL.Video: https://www.real.video/channel/yourpsychicfocus
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To further support the blog or my video channels, please visit me on Patreon.
"It was as if something intervened and changed our timeline (we are definitely on another path)."
ReplyDeleteEVERYONE PLEASE continue to visualize and send your Healing Light and Loving Energy all around the planet. Please try to do this at least once a day or more. We all have Healing Energy!
Love and Gratitude to All! XOXO
I second Serene's call to send energy and visualise a better world. So many Americans are praying for Trump to succeed and for those who have been caught up in the irrational hatred for him to realize they have been manipulated by the Rothschild/Windsor controlled media and politicians who say the exact opposite of what they really believe while accusing their enemies of exactly the same crimes they commit. American culture is built on keeping people stupid, keeping them in so much debt they have to work constantly so they have little time to think about what's going on beyond the propaganda passing for news they get on television.
ReplyDeleteIt's true the legends of Vampires are based on the secret cults that have been ruling the world, using the blood of infants to prolong their live, creating plagues and wars to control their populations and create wealth for the Rothchild's who have financed and propolgated every war since the Napoleonic era,and by others in royalty or power like the Medicis who caused crisis after crisis earlier. They are losing their grip and the next two months will hopefully bring a lot of positive and enlightening events that wull wake up many people to those who have been the real enemies all along and those who are true lightworkers.
Thank you for the reading. lot of mixed feelings on this one. I am not going too do a rant on Trump, we'll save that for Twitter... There seems to be a lot of chatter about Trump changing our currency in October. Could just be YouTube conspiracy junk... On the official Hagmann Report Friday they had two UFO guys on. About halfway through the one guy mentioned all the legal ramifications from disclosure of ET and ET Technologies. I was dumbfounded I never thought of all the legal actions that could be taken. For disclosure to happen imo you would have to give blanket immunities to all involved before you did the disclosure...
ReplyDeleteThank you Lynn for the reading.
ReplyDeleteWhilst aknowledging there are still some hurdles to pass,still, we are on a much much better timeline.
@Serene & @Robert Schoen : Couldn't agree better
I caught onto Zingdad after the Brexit referendum. Despite him being on another continent and claiming not to know much about British politics and all that, I found his download about Brexit the most resonant and true commentary on what had just happened. Believe me when I tell you that in the UK we nearly suffocated under a giant steaming pile of rabid media dross. It goes on even today. I'm glad to see him credited here.
ReplyDeleteAnd for anyone and everyone with any passing interest in the Q phenomenon, please watch this video by Cordicon. It regards the passing* of No Name McCain, and the astonishingly exact predictive clues Q left in past messages. Seriously, this is a doozy. Aside from the nitty gritty, it is an excellently made video (the music!) which sent shivers down my spine. Enjoy the show.
*I'm sure people have already asked Lynn to do a reading about his death or not-death. I won't add to the clamour. Oops, I think I just did... :-)
Thank you so much for the comments everyone! I totally agree Serene and Robert.
ReplyDeleteLove love love sending LOVE to Mama Earth and all her inhabitants/sentient beings!! Tom T Moore posted this a few weeks ago and I thought it fitting to share here:
ReplyDelete"Gaia is saying that we ALL need to send light and love to the Earth each day. Please don’t just sit there and read this newsletter and then go on. HELP MAKE THE EARTH A BETTER PLACE!
Please say this out loud each morning: “I now send white light and loveLove to every continent, every island, all the rivers, lakes & streams, and all the oceans and seas.”
Also, been following https://qanon.app and find the recent info around McCain so very interesting!! Other readers here may find it as well. Many are doing follow up videos and blog entries on just what these posts are pointing to and I do appreciate the video offered above.
Cheers & Thank you Lynn!!