Q. I have been reading about circumcision for some time. I recently came across this news story of a woman jailed because she would not allow her son to be circumcised https://youtu.be/_50Ep63u_Cs .I have also included a copy of a letter I came across during my research. I am really interested when your readings come up with information on reptilians. I have been reading about them as well, and feel the idea of circumcision is somehow rooted with them. I would really appreciate it you could comment on any of the above.
"Dear Dr. Blank: As the author of Circumcision" The Hidden Trauma, I have studied the psychological effects of circumcision. These effects are generally unrecognized by medical doctors, but they are a necessary part of evaluating the advisability of the practice. As you work on developing circumcision policy, I hope you consider the known and unknown psychological effects of circumcision.Infant neurological development, clinical experience, trauma theory, and research on circumcised infants all support the conclusion that circumcision is traumatic. Circumcision results in extreme pain and significant increases in heart rate and level of blood stress hormone. Some infants do not cry because they go into shock from the overwhelming experience. Anesthetics, if they are used, do not eliminate the pain or the trauma. Long-term infant behavioral changes and disruptions in mother-child bonding due to circumcision have been observed. An MRI showed permanent changes to a circumcised infant’s brain.
Circumcision trauma has long-term effects. In a medical journal survey of 546 circumcised men who reported circumcision harm, the following effects and feelings were noted. -anger, rage, sense of loss, shame, sense of having been victimized and mutilated, low self-esteem, fear, distrust, and grief, relationship difficulties, sexual anxieties, and depression, reduced emotional expression, lack of empathy, and avoidance of intimacy
A. When I first focus on this I get that when humans were created, we were a very intelligent and self sustaining creature. If we were "broken" in some way, everything we needed to heal ourselves would be found in our environment. Then I hear that homeopathic healing wasn't invented, it was natural and created with us (in some respect).Some of these men wish they had been given a choice at a later time rather than having circumcision forced on them when they were too young to resist. The survey does not suggest that all circumcised men have such feelings or how common the feelings are, only that they persist in some circumcised men, and more research is needed. Lack of awareness and understanding of circumcision, avoidance of the discomfort of questioning circumcision, and fear of disclosure help to explain why many circumcised men do not express dissatisfaction. "
When the battle of the ETs occurred, and the "dogs and cats" left the earth, the humans and earth were to be controlled and monitored by the reptilians. The reptilians decided to enslave the humans rather than help us propel (which is not what they were supposed to do, but some kind of agreement was broken). I get these feelings of jealously, as if the reptilians were actually jealous of our human design, abilities and potential to evolve. In order to enslave us they had to craft a way to keep us suppressed, thus keeping us from increasing our vibrations and becoming more spiritually powerful than them. I can see the reptilians were not just jealous of our ability, but were worried the humans would enslave them, so they tried to "beat us to it."
Many forms of fear emerged to keep the vibrations low. One of the earliest was religious based... You had to follow certain rules or you would go to hell (or an equivalent). Many people had other ideas that resonated with them (their subconscious was strong), but to keep religion growing and families strong with a father the concept of genital mutilation came about. It became popular to circumcise your son to make them "clean" but the original basis of this procedure being "clean" was in reference to sins. It was a way of showing you were devoted and a subconscious way get men to desensitize themselves (so they wouldn't be populating the world with "unclean" free beings).
[As a side note, this reading isn't to make parents feel any certain way about personal decisions that have already been made, but more as a way to think about future decisions through a new set of eyes.]
Love and light- Lynn
Well, anyone who's watched a baby boy strapped into that torture contraption thing they use and then pass out from the pain, it's pretty obvious what NOT to do.
ReplyDeleteI find it interesting that if you are male and wish to convert to the Jewish faith, you must be circumcised, or have a Rabbi prick your penis and draw blood. (If I am incorrect please let me know.)
ReplyDeleteA nurse once told me that to hold still a 4 day old baby who was being cut and stitched is the most horrifying thing to do and the procedure is done without anesthetic because the baby is too young.
ReplyDeleteI read sometime ago that circumsion was a sign that we were the slaves/under control of low vibrational entities. Looks like that was right.
ReplyDeleteThis becomes one of those self perpetuating cultural traditions. I remember our obgyn who delivered our son strongly talking me out of leaving our son uncircumcised, saying he would be traumatized to have a different penis than his father. Maybe we're just a notch above the African cultures that cut off the clitoris.
ReplyDeleteI'm horrified that circumcision is considered standard procedure in USA and Muslim countries all because 'god' recommended it. The Chinese have been uncircumcised for 5000 years and they're reproducing nicely.
ReplyDeleteRight. And both Chinese and Japanese legend claims their emperors were descendants of the dragon. Perhaps they are the reptilians enslaving humans through circumcision and other means. After all, China and Japan are the largest foreign holders of U.S. debt (financial enslavement).
This is sounding eerily similar to MK Ultra techniques of torturing and shocking babies and adults to fragment and break their souls, as written about by Fritz Springmeier.
ReplyDeleteLynn - are we Americans, by allowing US hospitals to enforce the circumcision requirement, unknowingly participating in techniques to give our new borns low vibrations?
I thought it was done for reasons related to personal hygiene.........dunno :/
ReplyDeleteI have always been bothered by this ritual practice... i always think that Nature does nothing useless and cut(or chop !) le skin which has the function of protecting the "tip" is incomprehensible...it is worse than i thought...
ReplyDeleteWhen my son was born, a nurse came in later that afternoon and asked if I wanted him circumcised. I said ABSOLUTELY NOT and that was the end of the story! I did hear about this story, though, and others like it and I am so glad Americans are waking up to the horrific brutality and barbaric nature of circumcision. Would a dog owner circumcise their male dog - of course NOT - but somehow, they can rationalize their own child? The hygiene myth is all part of the false propaganda. Please don't buy into that nonsense. That's like saying the eyeball would be much cleaner if you remove the eyelid. Gah!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you everyone for the great comments. This is such a standard practice, and to REALLY think of it from a different perspective makes you wonder why we are doing is (and why we are still doing this). I do agree with what someone said that it is as if they are keeping the male vibration down from the moment of birth (as a way to make them more submissive).
ReplyDeleteHi Lynn. Thank you for this reading. Would you kindly comment on female circumcision. As an African woman it pains me to see how prevalent it is. When did it start and what was the point of it? Many thanks.
ReplyDeletewow my sister just got her twins circumsized a day or two after delivery!
ReplyDeleteif it's done when very young how can a infant remember any trauma? how will that affect their lives as an adult? most people don't have memories as babies let alone being 3yrs old or even 5 I do though but I know a lot that don't
@ Vortex - they used a type of anestethics on my nephews they numbed it forgot what it's called
ReplyDelete@Mumbi: It really did start as a way to control our breeding (with who, stay tied to religion, keep vibrations low, sex is for procreation not pleasure)..
ReplyDelete@samferina: The trauma is tied to your subconscious. Your rational, conscious mind forgets out of self defense, but the subconscious never forgets (just learns to work through it).
ReplyDeleteGuess this is a good place to ask :}
What is or was the necessity of women orgasms?
How different is it for men ?
Is it a loosh energy situation like in the Robert Monroe books referred on this website.
Which I enjoyed. I forgot who suggested them but Thank You! .
@A Man Called Da-da. Can you add to the 'friday session' regarding the mysterious Cart Ruts Malta? Thanks in advance.