Monday, July 30, 2012

I would like to know more about the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle

When I first picture it, I actually see a triangle, um..and the weird thing is the perimeter of the triangle I see red, blue, and green.  It is almost like it is electric or magnetic.  In the center of it I see a white light, and it is spinning.  I see the white light in the middle spinning around like a hurricane.  I get this feeling like I am going to be drawn physically into it.  It is drawing me in, it feels like a vacuum.  I do not know if they find any wreckage in this area, but I see the plane and boats that go down appear sucked through and flushed out into a parallel place that looks like earth.  That is why I question the wrecked finds in that area because it is not just the people but the things that they are in get pulled through too.  I am actually seeing a lady looking out the window, and she is thinking, the plane is going down, the plane is going down, and then it hits the vortex and gets pulled through, and she is saying to other people on the plane wtf just happened, and everybody is really disoriented and confused.  They just continue flying, but they are not here at earth.  What I am trying to figure out, it is multiple time frames are occurring at once, like they slipped into the future or the past, it is difficult to explain it because.  I see it how you see layers, like layers in a drawing program.  It is shown to me like a drawing or transparencies with layers, earth current day is what is being worked with but you have these other layers popping up randomly, like past and future.  It is like they go through the vortex and end up in a different time.

Q-Is it the same planet?
A-Yes it looks like earth, I believe it is earth
Q-Earth in the same reality history, or and alternate earth?
A-I think it is current day earth, but somehow maybe the past and the present all occur simultaneously in different layers, and they shifted into one of those layers.
Q-Do the people survive and land.
A-Some yes, some no,  in my example they made it through it, I saw they lady say "What the heck just happened"
Q-What happened after that point?
A-I see them continue to fly, the pilot trying to rein the controls in...Alright this is strange...when these people land and their different layer of time, and they start to talk about their experience they sound completely crazy to the people on the ground, because their current day life, homes, jobs, family do not exist, and they have actually called it and have a name for that illness, they call it boonshock or boonshoft, is the name that came to me.  They then put the people in these hospitals.  They are trying to help get acclimated to the current day.  So the people within these layers are familiar with this phenomenon so when it happens the term it boonshock.  I do not know that is the word that came to me,  I saw a doctor say it, he said oh, they are suffering from boonshock.  Then it is like they have to go through this mental rehab.  It is let them know they are not crazy, but second to acclimate them to their situation....I did get something weird, somewhere over by China, no more South toward Australia, there is another triangle,  here is the weird thing about it, it is outlined in pure black and in the middle it is like a black darkness swirling around and here is the thing too, instead of vortex that goes in towards earth, it spins up like it is charging up, and then it shoots straight out into space like it is taking it somewhere completely different, like and alternate planet or galaxy, it is out of here, it charges and then puff it is tube of smoke.  That is all I got, ask me questions if you want.
Q-Where does the China one take the people?
A-To be honest, from space looking at it, it looks like earth.
Q-Is it earth or earth like, can you recognize continents, the moon.
A-It looks earth like, there is way more land than water.
Q-Is it a planet we have discovered?
A-I don't even think it is our solar system.
Q-Do people survive the transit there.
A-Yes, I structures built out of wood, very primitive, um..they remind me of how you would see and Indian tribe, materialistic, hand made, use their environment.  It is like and Indian tribe.  They have a hugh wooden fence built around their village for protection.
Q-What technology that was brought there.
A-It looks like they have incorporated junk parts within their dwellings. Like one persons house is a nose of an airplane, like they use bits and pieces as they could.
Q-How do they dress.
A-They wear fairly normal clothes but they are raggedy, they are worn thin.
Q-Are all the people in this place from earth and the china triangle?
A-In this place yes...Something else to note about their clothes, there is a big variety of clothes, you will see woman's dresses from like the 50's and then 1980's lady with tight hot pants, then you will see super bright colored T-Shirt of the 90's.  It seems like a complete hodgepodge of clothes they got because they use what they have.  Two things I got, one, as new people are introduced to their group, they are happy, they love having new people show up.  The second thing, they have these weird trees there they look like pine trees but they grow these grape vines like you would swing on, and they are bright orange, and they use them for everything, they are really strong, and you can take them apart and they are really fibrous and they make clothing out them.  They also use them for ropes.  They also figured out how to cook them down and they taste like sweet potato.  But you know how you can un-braid a rope, it like that it is a bunch of fibers within the vine.
Q-Do these suffer boon-shock illness, or it the environment so different they accept it.
A-No I feel like once they get off the planes and boats, they think that they have been in an accident.  Then the people there explain what happens and it just goes from there.
Q-Is there any children that you see
A-Yes, it is full thriving village, there is at least a couple hundred people there.
Q-Do you see any wildlife or animals?
A-Well the first thing I seen was a Macaw parrot but it had a sharp long pointy beak that was sharp, it was huge it had a wingspan I would say of about 6 feet....a lot of lizards, like the bearded dragon type.
Q-Anything we do not have here on earth?
A-When I ask that question, what I saw was a pig looking, but it had horns like one of those mountain goats that curls up on his head....That's all I am getting.
Q-Going back triangles, particularly the Bermuda, what cause this phenomenon, and is constant random or timely.
A-When I ask that question, I saw a line go from the core of our earth to the moon, and to the sun, and then back to the core of out earth, earth is on the right, moon is on the left, the sun is the top and their is white line connecting core of earth to sun, to the moon, back to earth forming a kind of isosceles triangle....I am not getting any time so possibly it is random, I am not getting any time.
Q-Is there a pyramid under the Bermuda triangle?
A-Hmm...I do not see that, I just see the white light.  I do not see that.
Q-Has anyone travel back our direction from either triangle?
A-I am not seeing that, I am not saying it ever had, I am just not seeing that?  I think I am pretty much tapped out.
Update: Link to Youtube Video


  1. Thanks for figuring out Bermuda Triangle.

    Devil Sea aka Dragon Triangle or Formosa [Taiwan] Triangle western Japan north of Tokyo, to Guam to Taiwan.

  3. Do people age or die in this time zone?

  4. Why won't the government at least inform people of this possibility? If this is an act of nature so to speak and beyond our control, why not just discuss the possibility?

  5. Why won't the government at least inform people of this possibility? If this is an act of nature so to speak and beyond our control, why not just discuss the possibility?

  6. Could you pinpoint the location of the China triangle, is it the same point where MH370 was last seen in radar?

  7. I have heard that beneath the Bermuda Triangle buried deep is one of the giant crystals that Atlantis used for power. That every so often, when the planets align, or when cosmic forces are hitting it just right, it activates. But maybe it also creates a sort of constant electromagnetic situation there as you described. What do you think?

  8. I feel the exact same overall thing about this situation. I have since the beginning. I feel like most of the people are physically fine. The plane is intact. I feel like this is the beginning of a paradigm shift for humanity.

  9. Pig with horns?

  10. What an amazing Q&A session, Lynn, and made me think of all the sea cruise traffic that goes through the Bermuda Triangle regularly (seemingly without incident except for the recent 2015 cruise ship that ran aground in Bermuda.) They even have Bermuda Triangle cruises for the adventurous which makes me wonder if shippers operate so casually, maybe there's some unknown technological protection being employed. I also wonder if some people were transported into the past or future, ala those sailors from the Philadelphia Experiment and if there's any record of their story.

  11. Anonymous: You are welcome. Thanks for sharing this info as well. I don't think all people die, but they are sent to a different time/reality. Govt knows it happens, but they don't fully understand it. They don't want someone/something to beat them to it.

    @Craig: That could be possible. Interesting. I had not heard that.

    @Robert: Good point. I can't be sure.

    Thanks so much for all the comments! Have a great day!
