Prince William and Kate's Baby
Q. Hello: I'm not sure how to ask this question officially - but is there anything going on with the birth of the new princess (William and Kate's new baby girl?) Is it just me, or does she look older than just a few hours old as quoted in the photos???? A few sites are saying she was born earlier, but her birthdate changed to suit some Illuminati motive. But that aside, she strikes me as being older than just a few hours. To further my query it's even reported in my mainstream news feed that some Russian women are saying that she was not only born 3 days earlier, but was delivered by a surrogate and Kate was not pregnant at all.
A. When I tune into this I do get an element of fertility assistance, but it wasn't a surrogate being used. I get she really was pregnant, but she got pregnant with fertility treatments because (in both her pregnancies) they wanted to make sure they had the desired sex, and that the baby was healthy. To be clear, Kate is healthy and fertile, but they wanted to control the outcome of the pregnancy so they used a process of genetic engineering of William's sperm and Kate's egg to have the optimum success..
Regarding the age, I do get the baby is just slightly older than they are admitting. The reasoning is based around some kind of new moon / full moon cycle (and I want to say April). The date pre-chosen by the "powers" has to do with power and strength. I also get she was told to wear a "fake belly" to hide the true date (like the baby came too soon??). The "powers" wanted this baby induced and tied to a date in May, but she went into labor before then. The "powers" aren't hiding the date, but rather the prince and princess are in order to earn approval from a higher force (the Queen or even higher?).
Regardless of everything, please keep in mind they brought a beautiful life into the world. Focus on her being good and helping people. It only takes one person to ascend in order to move many people. (And she is close to the source of many things...)
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
They def manipulate the surprised it wasnt a boy....they love boys to carry on the legacy...using that term lightly.....kate will end up unhappy just like Diana..she has no freedom
Lynn, not sure Da-da wants to know, but... why did they manipulate the sex to be a girl? Does it have something to do with the fact that they're one of the "13 bloodlines"?
And... is it just Da-da or is there something really special about this baby that they weren't expecting (and don't know about yet)?
Lynn I notice that you tend to use the phrase "powers that be" rather than "illuminati". Why is this? I myself believe the PTB exists, but I also believe the term "illuminati" is mis-education and not exactly the right name to describe the PTB.
It's very interesting as both of their royal babies were born on a full moon. That's a pretty high coincidence…
@Lynn: They do need a certain ratio of boys and girls to keep the bloodline going. The whole thing is completely manipulated.
I see this baby with some kind of light about her. I get Diana is VERY connected to her (as if she is a guide to her).
@CartalkByJJ: I use Powers that Be because they encompass more than the Illuminati. The Powers that control the world extend past the Illuminati (they have "puppets" and also powerful people that deal with the Illuminati that aren't technically in the group).
I was driving along today and thought to myself that Diana would be there for this new baby girl. Nice to know.
I say the powers that want to be...bc we are more powerful collectively!!!
Hi Lynn ~ what really happened to the nurse Jacintha Saldhana? Hard to believe she committed suicide because she was embarrassed over mistakenly thinking she was talking to the queen, etc., and even harder to believe we were expected to believe that story. Love and Light to you Lynn.
Get Out! I haven't been following this story but will spend some time now. Thank you for this reading. It brings to light for me how unaware and naive I still am.... I, too, would be interested in AS's Q re: the nurse. Thanks, Lynn
I agree with David Wilcock, instead of the "Powers That Be," I'm calling them "Power's that Were." Humanity is waking up from their amnesia and starting to see through the veil.
Jade Helm update from Cobra:
"Let me just say that Jade Helm military exercise will give the Positive Military much needed real life simulation intel for the time of the Event. The cabal tries to spin that military exercise and disseminates fear based scenarios as part of their psychological warfare. I will calm some fears by stressing that the Light forces have said very clearly that the martial law in the US will NOT be introduced under any circumstances. They have also strongly suggested that everyone remains calm and does not engage in any conflicts the Cabal might try to engineer. "
gosh, this sounds so sad. A good thing Diana is around. Never thought before about monarch's so sick! thank you, dear Lynn
would also like to read your answer on AS' question, if you get something. Forgot about that horrible 'accident'
@AS: I get that she became knowledgeable of "odd" practices- like a ritual of sorts and also the royals were telling her how to fill out paperwork, times, dates, etc... She started to ask questions, and that is what put her in danger. I even get some kind of nondisclosure statement was signed, and she questioned that... They needed to silence her.
Annoying and rather predictable that the common way of "silencing" someone is by cutting his life short. Forming lies around a newborn doesn't even seem at par with other big conspiracies. It's like the powerful are so used to this method that they just easily do it when things don't go their way.
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