Thursday, April 29, 2021

Psychics and Their Health

Q.  I've noticed many psychic people are suffering serious health issues. Is this related to the work they do?
A.  I get health really is unique to the person.  Many components go into health and well-being.  We have our physical environment, what we take into our body and also how we perceive the world.  If any of those elements are off balance, it has an impact on wellness.

Our physical environment is basically everything around us.  Are you around pollution, noise or visual stresses (sometimes seeing signs, advertisements or even actions of people can be triggers)?  When has the person last grounded with nature, went for a walk or gotten the fresh air in the woods?  These are all questions that come to me as I focus on this.

As an intuitive, what you take into your body can impact health.  It can be spiritual or physical.  Are you owning someone's energy or allowing them to "vampire" your energy?  Are you eating well?  It is very important to disconnect and own your own space.

Perception of events and allowing them to impact your negative can have a negative effect on your overall state of being as well.  Don't allow yourself to reside in a negative situation.  Physically or mentally disconnect from it.  Incorporate something positive or repeat affirmations often, especially in today's tense world.

Intuitives do have to be cautious of all the above mentioned things.  If you are an empath or sensitive to the energies around you it is really important to be mindful and purge things that are not your own.  Taking on the energy or others for any prolonged time will eventually impact you negatively.  I see that too many times psychics or intutives are taking in the energies around them to navigate our current world, and not properly taking care of themselves. Always remember to stay centered, stay grounded and energetically (through mantras, meditation, affirmations) protect your personal space.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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SubscribeStar: Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory

Q.  Lynn, Could you look at this strange phenomenon that has doctors stumped?  How does this type of memory work?
If you give Jill Price a date, she can easily tell you what day of the week it fell on and what she did that day. Price was reported as the first known case of highly superior autobiographical memory (HSAM) in 2006. Since then, more adults and even children have been identified as having this ability. People with HSAM can recall almost anything from their memories in minute detail from events in their life to conversations they’ve had. The true mystery is why some people have this superhuman brainpower and others don’t. Brain images of people with HSAM have shown researchers that some parts of their brain structure are different from people who have a typical memory. But it’s not yet known if these brain differences cause HSAM or if they occur because the person uses areas of the brain associated with memory more.  

A. To see my response to the above and video discussion, please visit me on SubscribeStar. *If I ever select your question for a SubscribeStar post, and you don't have access, please reach out to me for a copy. 

Love and light (and Lots of Gratitude), Lynn

Interested in a Personal ReadingDistance Reiki or Life Coaching Session?  Click the tab above for more info or to schedule.  

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Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Live Stream

Hi Everyone! I'd like to start doing occasional live streams and I was curious if that would be something you'd all be interested in. I could set up a schedule and let you know in advance. The other challenge is with all the platforms, which one do you prefer? YouTube seems the most universal for now...? Please feel free to leave a comment below!
Love and light,

Kim Jong-un and Burma Riots

Q.  Hi Lynn, 
Need your insight please on:

Q1. Kim Jong-un (North Korea), do you see the people of North Korea will ever be free of this evil tyrant. 
A.  When I focus on him I get that in the short term, no.  He does feel to be around for a little while longer.  I get he will have a health event that will diminish his ability to personally be in the public eye, but his ruling team will carry on his wishes in lieu of his absence.  

I do see within the next five to seven years there will be an uprising, and at that time the people will be able to break free.  It looks like the people stand up the dictatorship and human treatment, and enough energy is put into this that other countries start to stand behind them as well.  At that point, and with the collective support, this leadership is overthrown.

2. What do you get with the current crisis in Myanmar (Burma) and the mass rounding up and jailing of protestors in addition to the human rights violations committed by the military government? Very much appreciate your generous time on this blog. 
A.  I don't see the people backing down.  The energy there feels to be escalating, and with each action the military takes, it just fuels more people to stand up and come together.  I get that at some people there will be an intervention (UN? or some other country) to calm this down.  I get the military will have to stand down, and a shift in leadership is on the horizon.  

I fully expect other countries to start to stand up and people to be outspoken.  We are in a time of awakening, and people are tired of being manipulated, lied to and suppressed.  We have a huge shift occurring, and this is one of many countries that are going through a change.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn

Interested in a Personal Reading, Distance Reiki or Life Coaching Session?  Click the tab above for more info or to schedule.  

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Tuesday, April 27, 2021

SubscribeStar: European Football League Controversy

Q.  Can you look at this new European Super Football League? Do you think it is something good or bad? It looks like a war is starting between UEFA and some clubs... 

 A. To see my response to the above and video discussion, please visit me on SubscribeStar. *If I ever select your question for a SubscribeStar post, and you don't have access, please reach out to me for a copy. 
Love and light (and Lots of Gratitude), Lynn

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Monday, April 26, 2021

Deca Energy and Wi-Fi Blockers

Q.  Hi Lynn,

How are you?  If possible, would you be able to have a look at this site?  It talks of eliminating effects of Wi-Fi / electric smog based upon Deca Energy.  Could you please let me know what you think of it

A.  This is a great question.  With the elevated amount of EMF pollution in our environment people are trying more and more to cleanse their environment and keep these toxins out of their systems.  I wanted to have a look at this and see what I got... 

When I first look at the product, I got an image of a a person showing this to someone, but the setting was more of a magic show.  A person observing the "show" was walking around, and the "magician" had the EMF blocking sticker in their hand like they were about to perform a magic trick.  The observer was tilting their head, much like a dog would when hearing a strange noise, and trying to figure out what was about to happen.  

In the article above there is a short video clip in which a person is easily knocked off balance (I will include below).  They are given a sticker to place on their phone, and when the phone is inserted into their pocket, they can no longer be put off balance.  I am realizing the "magic trick" is this demonstration within the clip.

I get that when  person is standing, depending on where you place the pressure you can either knock them off balance, or you can actually give the illusion of being stronger.  I do not see the sticker had any impact other than that which was placed in the mind.

Please trust your intuitive filter and do your research.  There are many new products out there that claim to provide protection from these harmful rays, but the best products are the ones that have been around a while.  Try to keep certain devices out of your home when possible, turn on the Wi-Fi at night, distance yourself from any smart meters, use crystals, walk in nature to purge yourself- those are truly the best defenses.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you. Love and light- Lynn 

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Thursday, April 22, 2021

Immunosuppressants Effect on Spiritual Connection

Q.  There are rumors out there that certain elements within big pharma such as the Beer Bug shot detach people from their spiritual self or make it more difficult to connect.  Is this true and does this disconnect also occur in our meds such as Rituxan (rituximab)?  I've used this for years to manage lymphoma, etc when natural remedies seemed to fail.  At times I do still feel very connected to Source, but curious your thoughts. 

A.  This looks to be a two part question, so I'd like to break this down into sections.  In the first I'd like to address the Bug "shot" and how it impacts spirituality.

I do get that gene modification that occurs after the shot can impact ones ability to connect with Source.  It can still occur, but the connection may feel diluted or cloudy.  I relate this to how a person under the influence of drugs or alcohol is physically themselves, but mentally disconnected from their subconscious and conscious minds.  There is a substance in the body that makes the connection more difficult than it once was.

In understanding this, I think it is important to also address how to mitigate the effects if  someone takes the "shot" either intentionally, regretfully or maybe based on guilt.  You cannot change the chemistry of a person that has modified their DNA, BUT I do get there is a "God" gene attached to each DNA strand that helps people access "Source."  One of the goals of the gene therapy is to attach and manipulate this gene, but really it just clouds it and turns it a different color (yellow).  The gene is still there, and it looks to keep it's integrity on the inside (inner material), but the outer material or "shell" is what is compromised. I cannot see how to clean off the outer material, but the good news is that the inner portion of the "God" gene still looks ok, so connection to Source is possible (and one thing they are trying to prevent).  I don't have complete clarity, but it appears that in time something within this "God" gene will become active, but some element of expansion, learning, growth and awakening will need to happen first.

Now I want to look more at the autoimmune meds and their impact on the body.  I get that they too can create times of mental cloudiness and spiritual disconnect, but those moments are short lived.  Most times within a day or so the body can realign.  The more one practices internal mindfulness or meditation, the less of an impact these meds have.  Even though these elements reduce inflammation, the artificial nature is still somewhat toxic and the body needs to purge them.  Eating right, drinking water, exercise and grounding with nature really helps to minimize the effects.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 
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SubscribeStar: Mystery In the Woods

Q.  Please look at this entry made on on a blog.  I'd be curious of your impression:

It was Wednesday, September 29th and hunting season (for deer) in Ohio was just a 4 days old.  The day started  cool and damp then became a beautiful, warm day with a nice sunset.  Jan was about to go hunting and her method of hunting consisted of waiting and watching while being seated in a “tree stand.” Her seat is in the northwestern corner of a many-acre woods that is surrounded by large planted fields and low density residential areas.  Her seat faces the east and is surrounded on all sides by trees.  (Full post by Jan,


Jan had a strange experience while in the trees in the late afternoon and evening. 


She went to her tree stand at about 5:30 and sat.  A squirrel was dropping nut pieces on her head and animals, birds and crickets were moving and making noise.  To occupy her time she was “texting” with her phone (a means of silent communication).   At about 6:21 PM she decided to photograph herself in the tree stand.  She was facing east with the sun at her back.  She held the camera above and to her left.  The sun was behind her, low in the west, with the light filtering through the tree branches. She took the first photo with the camera a bit above her head and to her left so she could get a photo looking down past her to the ground.  

Suddenly the woods went quiet.  Noise stopped. The silence was “weird.”  It so surprised and unnerved her that she wrote a text message to her friend (thereby documenting this event):


Something is wrong.  The woods just went to a dead silence. No squirrels, no birds, no crickets.  Is odd!  (6:23 PM EDT)


She thought a coyote or maybe a black panther or some predator animal caused the quiet as she knows (as hunters know) that when a predator such as a bear, for example, enters an area the other animals tend to become quiet.  Then she became aware that a weird visual “effect” was moving rightward across her field of view at an apparent distance of maybe fifteen to twenty feet.  She described it as if looking through "saran wrap."  Perhaps a more apt comparison would be like looking at a mirage above a hot road.  She compared this distortion of the scene as being somewhat like the effect of the invisible creature in the PREDATOR movie!  This distortion was at a higher altitude than her, perhaps about 25 ft above the ground..  She took her glasses off and rubbed her right eye thinking at first she had a floater (a mote in the eye).  But after rubbing it was still there and not a floater. 


It moved to her right and then it disappeared...things looked normal and she could hear the normal sounds again.

As she recalls it, she held the camera in her right hand, about a foot and a half from her face (so that the scene in the viewing screen would be in focus for her eyes), pointed the camera in the direction of the distortion and took a picture.  As she recalls it the picture was taken immediately after the distortion disappeared.  The picture should show the nearby trees.  That’s not what the picture shows (see to the right)! 

What did she see and what happened in the woods?

A. To see my response to the above and video discussion, please visit me on SubscribeStar. *If I ever select your question for a SubscribeStar post, and you don't have access, please reach out to me for a copy. 

Love and light (and Lots of Gratitude), Lynn

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Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Crystals Holding Information

Q.  Hi Lynn I have a question I wanted to ask you.  I am not sure if you are a fan of Star Trek, but if you are you see a lot of the time they give their data in the form of crystals. Is there is some science behind this?  There is a theory that crystals could hold hundreds/thousands of terabytes of information in them forever. 

I have seen in your work and others that aliens have interacted with humans in the past and there may have been lost advanced civilizations. I think it may be possible that old crystals found from antiquity might be more than just something people kept for wealth/prestige and could actually be a terabyte hard drive of information. I have a feeling Earth's history will eventually be shown to all because it has been recorded in the past.  Possibly even the various crystal skulls in the world could be information data bases, as well as other ancient crystals.

Edgar Cayce also made a prediction that there would be a hall of records under the Sphinx that would show the true origins of humanity. A small chamber was found with ground penetrating radar near the paw of the Sphinx. It's unlikely the history of humanity would fit in a small chamber, but perhaps it's written within crystals? Just a guess. 

I am wondering if you could look at this and see are there ancient crystals on Earth with recorded information on them?  

A.  When I focus on this, and think about the properties of crystals, they do feel to be very unique.  There is more to them than "looking cool" or having a visual quality.  I get they do have a function to them.  The dominant feature I get is the vibration they possess.  The vibration works and interacts with living beings to promote all types of well-being in the form of physical, emotional, mental and also spiritual.  Rather than a crystal acting as a vibrational anchor that pulls you down, it looks to pull your vibration upwards to enable the unlocking of self-healing and intuitive abilities.  Those that are sensitive to the subtle vibrations are most effected in the presence of these crystals.

Regarding information and the use of crystals to encode data... I see that crystals can record a memory, but I cannot see data in the form of "facts" like a text book.  If you were to hold a crystal that was present during an event, and were sensitive to the energies, you would be able to "read" the crystal and know what happened around it.  I see this powerful technique working in the way psychometry works in that the crystal absorbs the thoughts, energy and emotions and unless it is cleared, it is stored there and can be accessed later.  

To "read" the crystal you would have to hold it, harmonize with the frequency and allow the thoughts, feelings and emotions to flow to you.  You should also remember to protect yourself by saying a mantra or focus on working with the light as not every situation is pleasant or even positive.  Crystals are protective and can pull in negativity just as they can hold positive energy. 

Very cool reading!  Thanks so much for the suggestion.  Love and light, Lynn 
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Tuesday, April 20, 2021

SubscribeStar: Evolution of the Eye or Anomaly (Tetradhromats)

Q.  Hi Lynn, 

I've got a simple question. Most humans have 3 cones in their eyes that allow them to see color, but there are some rare humans that have 4 cones of color. They are called Tetrachromats and it is estimated that they can see 99 million more colors compared to a "normal" person. My question is do you see this as a natural evolution of humans and the whole human race will have 4 cones, or will this always just be a fluke in the population?

A. To see my response to the above and video discussion, please visit me on SubscribeStar. *If I ever select your question for a SubscribeStar post, and you don't have access, please reach out to me for a copy. 

Love and light (and Lots of Gratitude), Lynn
Please check me out on the following platforms: 
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Monday, April 19, 2021

Devil's Tower

Q.  Hi Lynn. I cannot find if you have done a reading on the Devil’s Tower. Can you please explain it?  

A.  This is an interesting landmark.  As I look at this, I see the picture come alive and it appears that at one time this surrounding area was a green oasis of lush vegetation.

When I look at the area where the tower is, I see an ENORMOUS tree.  This tree existed during a time when many trees were larger, and giants lived on parts of the earth.  I see that the earth is much closer to the sun, and the gravitational pull was very different which afforded the opportunity for both plants, animals and humans to be larger.

This tree has since be cut off, however the stump remains.   I see this as more of a petrified wood.  I know studies have been done on the rock composition, but I'd be curious to see how that breakdown compares to ancient wood as I clearly see this as a tree stump that is thousands of years old.

Very interesting reading!  Thank you for the suggestion!  Love and light, Lynn 
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Friday, April 16, 2021

Price Philip Death

Q.  Hi Lynn

Prince Philip just passed away, could you tell us whether he was a reptilian? How would he be reincarnated in his next life?

A.  When I focus on him, I get that he wasn't a "reptilian," but he did align with them in order to survive and maintain his title.  I see that when you marry into certain families, there is an expectation that you keep your promise and the marriage ceremony is something to be taken very seriously.  Once you commit, you are sort of "locked into it" and cannot just freely leave.  Furthermore, if you go against the beliefs of the "higher court" which in this case is the elders of the families, you are severely punished.  The punishment could take several forms such as: poisoning, disfigurement, suiciding, torture, etc.  

Philip didn't necessarily like or agree with the actions of the family, but he did accept that he made a commitment and he had to go along with it and stand by the now Queen.  In many ways (I hear) he was living in a hell of his own choices, but he had no way to predict or even forecast how his life would be or what he was be forced to do/witness with an appearance of acceptance.

As I think on his future life, I keep seeing blue birds.  My impression is that he will not incarnate for a long time, and will experience the life force from a perspective of spirit and also animals, specifically birds.  I then hear he has no desire to incarnate into this world, and he is glad to be done with it for now.  He feels free, and that is a feeling he has not felt in decades.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 
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Thursday, April 15, 2021


The following was an article submitted to me by Judith Fudge.  I love the message and hope you enjoy it too.  Thanks Judith!

Remember, you are an expression of Highest Love.

Highest Love is higher than divine unconditional love, and it is one of the most powerful
catalysts for change available to humanity. It changes our DNA, raises our evolutionary
frequency and lightens the density of our physical body, paving the way to ultimately
clear all disease. Whenever healing occurs, regardless of the modality, it is because the
frequencies of Highest Love are being accessed.  

‘On every level there are benefits, benefits which can be translated into purification of
the Total Being. Immersing the self into this Highest of Love brings you into the
perfection of knowing who it is you truly are – that which is love, that which is the
highest form of love. The more that you immerse yourselves in love, and not too much
too soon for you can overwhelm yourselves with too much too soon, then indeed you
shall find that you are becoming more and more attuned with your own divinity.
Obviously as you attune more and more with your own divinity and the All That Is within
your own comprehension and your own ability, then of course there are benefits to be
gained in all things; it touches every aspect of who you are and empowers the who you
are. It has much healing property; it is a catalyst for transformation on all levels. The
physical will respond to the love, by the love catalyzing the perfect state of being, the
ideal state of being – balance and harmony, completeness and oneness.’

‘Over a prolonged period it results in a higher frequency, a lighter frequency, a less
denseness of the physicalness. And so, it promotes well-being. It promotes clearance of
all such things that can be classed as disease, for the whole system becomes an
expression of Highest Love. Ultimately the system becomes Highest Love. Highest Love
and that is all. It is not that you are not already this Highest Love, for you are. But it
becomes remembered if you like, and it becomes accessed and becomes manifest in all
that is done. Therefore, ultimately what will occur for all who do this is that all things
shall be this love; all that is looked upon, is looked upon with the Highest of Love; all that
is done, is done with the Highest of Love. All that is heard is filtered with this love. Every
aspect of being is touched with the Highest of Love, and the Highest of Love ‘IS’. And it is

‘And so there is information; and so all is light, as I have spoken. All is light indeed. And
yet stronger and more powerful and more high a frequency is this love. Beyond this love
there is higher love. Beyond that there is higher love more purified indeed. And it is part
of the eternal quest for knowing All That Is, this love that motivates all things in all
places. So by attuning with it, you are fulfilling yourselves totally and absolutely. Of 
course, when one is fulfilled and there is joy and contentment and all such things, then
you are in a state of perfection.’1

SubscribeStar: Beer Bug and Brazil

Q: I am concerned about my home country Brazil.  The country was doing fine with early intervention medicine and a low-key lockdown, but now cases have emerged and even younger people are getting hit with the Beer Bug. Is this due to the new variant? Or maybe the Chinese Beer Bug shot?

A. To see my response to the above and video discussion, please visit me on SubscribeStar. *If I ever select your question for a SubscribeStar post, and you don't have access, please reach out to me for a copy. 

Love and light (and Lots of Gratitude), Lynn
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Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Bermuda Triangle

Q.  Once again a ship goes missing with people onboard in the Bermuda Triangle. Where do these ships and planes go when this happens? Are some people still alive? 

A.  I've touched on the Bermuda Triangle in the past, but wanted to take a moment to revisit it.  I see two different things happening in this area of the world.  

The first is that when the right situations align, a portal can open and these ships, planes, etc essentially go to a different point in time.  They are still on earth, but it feels to be a different type of earth that is much more primitive.  I relate this to how Richard Byrd flew over the north pole and witnessed things and life that should not exist there.  In Richard's situation he was able to fly through this and basically come out the other side, but with the Bermuda Triangle, once the portal opens, they are "stuck" there. 

The other thing that occurs in the very unique location is an opening found on the sea floor opens up and "burps" gasses into the water.  As these bubbles of air pockets make there way to the surface they can cause a ship to sink because the water and air displacement creates situations where the boat or craft cannot stay in motion.  I see that this opening always has something "leaking" and small air pockets don't have too much impact, but if several pockets collect together to form larger pockets.  In that scenario the boat or craft can not recover when they find themselves in the middle of an air bubble full of methane and other various gasses.

And that is all I have for my quick review.  I will attach some older posts and also the story Richard Byrd.

Love and light, Lynn 
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