Friday, October 30, 2020

Psychic Focus Podcast

Hi Everyone!  I just uploaded more content.  Episodes are now available on seven platforms.  All free!  Please spread the word!  Enjoy!

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Law of Attraction (Is it fake?)


Q. Please check out this video. He states the Law of Attraction is fake among other things. What are your thoughts?

A.  After viewing the above video, I wanted to break down the three topics a little more.  He states a pro and con of each topic (as viewed by people).  I will then share my intuitive impression. 

1.  Manifestation: The pro is that it is undeniable.  The con is that people expect results to happen from nothing.  
I see manifestation as a very powerful thing when it is done effectively.  Many times people use the Law of Attraction during manifesting (I will get to that).  When manifesting the goal is to have a definitive goal or desire.  When you focus on the goal, things are put in your path to help you accomplish goal or wish.  He was on point stating that manifesting is about creating rather than attracting, and the creation comes with ease (when you manifest effectively).  

2.  Law of Attraction: The pro is that it has been proven that like attracts like.  The con is people think a belief alone will bring you what you want.
I get the he is on point with the Law of Attraction with regards to needing more than just a thought or belief.  Our thoughts and feelings are an important part of attracting what you want, but there is an emotional component that is vital for this to work.  To effectively practice the Law, you have to feel something as if it has already happened.  You can't wish it to happen, or think someday you want something, or else the thing you want will remain a wish that is always someday away.  You have to feel it as already happened and see it in your mind.  Feel what you want in your being.  You can attract money, love, friendships or even a vacation.  The ideas are limitless, but you have to have a thought and live as if it is happening now. 

3.  Spirituality:  The pro is that spirituality is being attracted to the spiritual versus the physical.  It gives life more depth.  The con is that it can be seen as a cult to those that don't understand
I do not see this as a cult at all.  I get a cult is a belief in an entity and you devote everything to that being.  Spiritualism is a connectedness to all versus just one.  It is a belief system is positive energy and the beauty of how energy works.  It encompasses many beliefs rather than just one.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Patreon/SubscribeStar: Chico Xavier

Q. Hi, glad to join your blog on Patreon - I have one question. Could you see if Chico Xavier has reincarnated and share a little bit about his soul?

A. To see my response to the above and video discussion, please visit me on Patreon or SubscribeStar.

Love and light (and Lots of Gratitude), Lynn

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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Google Three Red Banners!


Q.  Just saw this and curious your thoughts.  Google Three Red Banners."  Is this symbolism right in front of us?  

Per Wikipedia:  Three Red Banners (Chinese三面红旗) was an ideological slogan in the late 1950s which called on the Chinese people to build a socialist state. The "Three Red Banners" also called the "Three Red Flags," consisted of the General Line for socialist construction, the Great Leap Forward and the people's communes.[1][2][3] 

A.  Yes, it is exactly that.  It is symbolism of their agenda right in front of us.  Should the current democratic ballot win on November 3rd, they will start to turn the US into a socialist America.   The democracy we know will shift to a more socialist state.

I see they will give the illusion that people have a choice, but we will see higher taxes and more regulation to support the distribution of benefits as they keep a cut for themselves.  Rather than free choice, things will be mandated (this is particularly shown to me via the beer bug vaccine).   Critical thinking will leave you pondering many things as "my body my choice" will be chanted in regards to pro-choice, but "my body my choice" won't apply with the vaccine agenda.  

Health care will be a nightmare.  Rather than get the drug prices down, the focus will be on doing more with less in the medical area.  The Powers That Were have friends in big pharma, so they won't tackle the cost of medicine, but they will want to socialize the healthcare why taxes increases are used to foot the bill.

The truth is in plain sight, and there for people to see. You have to decide what kind of a pathway is right for you and decide at the polls.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Patreon/SubscribeStar: CERN Ritual

Q.  Lynn, thank you for the reading! I would love to get your insight on the CERN ritual video. The media quickly debunked it, but every time I have viewed it I get chills!

A. To see my response to the above and video discussion, please visit me on Patreon or SubscribeStar.

Love and light (and Lots of Gratitude), Lynn

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Monday, October 26, 2020

Secret Covenant Oath

Q.  Lynn, Can you look at this video on the Secret Covenant Oath on YouTube? What are your thoughts?  Thanks.

A.   When I listened to this video, my intuitive reaction was "Wow, their playbook has been put into the public eye.  So many things discussed within this video are on point and happening now even though they may be hidden.  

Our food has been tainted with "chemicals"  (do we really need red dye in our food?) and it is increasing at an alarming rate.  Sugar is even added unnecessarily.  It is put in things like orange juice, and these added sugars are changing people's taste to where they just want more sweets (not good and notice diabetes is on the rise*). They push pharma for every ailment versus telling people they could benefit from a food that contains a specific vitamin, an herbal tea or even a walk outside.  

The Powers that Were (PTW) have created many distractions to keep us from really being introspective.  True thought happens in silence, or when you have opportunity to REALLY think.  The PTW know this, and want to prevent it.  If people can think for themselves, they are much more difficult to control.  Control is power, which is the ultimate goal.  

Through social media, and overall control of the media, the PTW get people emotional and program them with what to think.  When you control the information stream, they can manipulate people to think they are free thinkers, but they are really only free to think about the information they are able to receive.  This alone is why censorship is so dangerous and why they want it!

When times are uncertain, fear is a useful tool.  In a moments notice they can create a fear of scarcity (remember the toilet paper shortage of 2020?) or fear of illness (Did you get your flu shot? Singles shot? Pneumonia shot? - There is a time and place for these, but in the end the real winner is big pharma.).  

And that is all I have for this reading.  I'm curious your take-away from the video.  Love and light, Lynn 

*Food manufacturers have determined that when they add sugars and sweetness via corn syrup to foods it creates something called a bliss point.  Makes foods/sweets addictive, and you crave the sugar like a drug.  Do your research.

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Friday, October 23, 2020

Oakville Blobs


Q.  Hi!  I was wondering if you could look at a mystery.  It was on the tv show Unsolved Mysteries. In Oakville, Washington in August 1994, a weird gelatinous substance rained on the town.  This happened a few more times over the next couple of weeks. Some people became very sick and had to be hospitalized, and some small pets/animals died. A small sample of the substance was sent to a lab it was found to have white human blood cells in it along with two types of bacteria.  One was one that is found in the human stomach. Also, another sample disappeared from the lab it was in. Many theories came up as to what happened.  One was pointed at the military as some people claimed they saw black unmarked military helicopters. The military admitted to doing bombing exercises in the Ocean but claimed to have nothing to do with the gelatinous substance. You can probably find the unsolved mysteries videos on YouTube if you type in "Oakville blobs." 

A.  As soon as I tune into this, I hear the phrase "Jacob's Ladder."  I get this was an experimental military test that did not work.  In the movie, the people (government) were doing tests on different bio-weapons, and put a drug into the food supply.  The results were disastrous, and the people turned on themselves because they could not control the savage adrenaline they experienced.  Most perished in this due to the hands of the peers, and this proved to be a disaster and ultimately a cover up.

I don't see Oakville being the target of such an experiment resulting in savage attacks, but I do see that it was a test for creating a docile environment.  I get the "blobs" were supposed to dissolve, or change in consistency.  There were not to hit the ground as "blobs" but the altitude in the chopper (or something with the temperature/storage) made this defective, and ineffective as there was nothing stealthy about this or the method of delivery. 

The military cannot admit it was a test, or what they were doing for that matter.  They will never come forward with this, as it has been buried a long time ago (surprised the YouTube video still plays).  

Curious of your thoughts?  Did you witness this?  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Thursday, October 22, 2020

Fresh Look - New Site

Hi everyone!  With the censorship police out in full force I felt I needed a dedicated website in addition to the blog.  I'm beta testing it now. I will say I like the desktop/tablet version more than the phone, but I'm working to make it better. Please take a look and let me know what you think.  Also if any link appears broken, give me a heads up.  

Don't forget to bookmark and save the link.  This has my info and platforms outlined.  I want to keep this beautiful community together. - I love all of you!!

Love and light, 

Patreon/SubscribeStar: Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD)

Q.  Hi Lynn, I'm a patron member and this is the first time I've requested a question with you.  What can you tell me about Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD)?  It is a rare, degenerative, fatal brain disorder. What can the patient do to slow the onset of this horrible disease?  How long can the patient diagnosed with CJD live for? How do you get CJD?  Is it karma if a person have this disease? Most importantly, is there a cure for CJD?  

Thank you Lynn.
Kind regards,

A. To see my response to the above and video discussion, please visit me on Patreon or SubscribeStar.

Love and light (and Lots of Gratitude), Lynn

To view free public posts, videos and discussion, please view any of the following platforms:
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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Mystery Videos

Q.  Hi Lynn, can you check out #3 and #5 of these videos? One looks to be an actual dragon...the other looks like a planet appearing. Are these real? Or what are they? Thanks!

Watch "Chilling Footage That Cannot be Explained" on YouTube

A.  I thought it would be fun to break down all six clips.  Have a look and intuitive take for yourself as well.  Enjoy!

#6.  Police witness paranormal activity:  This felt like a good trick.  The police were intrigued by it, and thought it was funny.  It didn't feel paranormal, and the police were not concerned.  Great prank that got a good laugh.  Fake 

#5. Mysterious orbs fall from sky:  This actually did feel authentic.  I get these were a fleet of UFOs.  They have an Avian vibe, and get they were headed for their base.  Real

#4. Creepy creature in woods:  This felt like a hoax that someone set up.  This was either CGI or a good camera technique.  I hear the phrase, "this is too much of being in the right place at the right time and being prepared."  I also sense the people witnessing this have an underlying calm that would not relate to seeing such a thing in real life.  Fake

#3. Strange creature in sky:- This (I get) is a project for a kid in school/college.  I see this as a total CGI that went somewhat viral.  Fake

#2. Bizarre beast in woods:  This was a set up as a joke.  They wanted to see how many people would believe this, and how far they could get the video to spread.  Fake

#1. Planet like orb:  This is a real picture, but the glare from the lens created the orb effect.  Cool picture, but not a real orb.  Fake

And that is all I have for this reading.  I realize many were duds, but it can be fun to find a diamond in the rough.  If you have a video you'd like me to watch, please reach out to me.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Patreon/SubscribeStar: Indian Boy Psychic

Q. Hi Lynn- hope all is well! I have an interesting read for you. The story of a 14 year old Psychic Indian Boy is making the rounds in Asia. Everyone is sharing as he has been attributed to making a lot of the prophecies about 2020 a year ago. He was one of the only psychics to predict the virus according to his followers. Can you please take a look at what you get about this boy and if he's the real deal?

And follow up question- he sees December 2020 and January 2021 being even worse than March-May 2020 as he sees an emergence of a new "Superbug" or an even stronger version of the "Beer Bug". Should we be concerned? Here is the link to the Article: Also there is a "Translate" option below to get it in English if you're using the Phone. Many thanks, Light and love!

A. To see my response to the above and video discussion, please visit me on Patreon or SubscribeStar.

Love and light (and Lots of Gratitude), Lynn

To view free public posts, videos and discussion, please view any of the following platforms:
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Please check out my new book. Now Available: Psychic Focus Journey

Monday, October 19, 2020

October Surprise - NESARA

Q.  Lynn, Can you look into the National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA)?  Many think it is happening now.  This could totally change the country, and even change the way other countries interact with the US.  Could this be a part of the October surprise?

  • Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a “jubilee” or a forgiveness of debt.
  • Abolishes the income tax.
  • Abolishes the IRS. Employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.
  • Creates a 14% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed; nor will used items such as old homes.
  • Increases benefits to senior citizens.
  • Returns Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.
  • Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment.
  • Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA's announcement. The interim government will cancel all National Emergencies and return us back to constitutional law.
  • Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups.
  • Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.
  • Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.
  • Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law
  • Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.
  • Restores financial privacy.
  • Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.
  • Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide.
  • Establishes peace throughout the world.
  • Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes.
  • Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, antigravity, and sonic healing machines.
A.  When I first heard of this, and read the list of main points, it felt like in an ideal restructuring these elements would be incorporated.  The challenge is if these things can really happen and be implemented.  I'd like to break each thing down and see what comes forward.  

In looking at taxes and debt, I do get phases of this are being implemented, but this is a slow process.  Things have been announced, and action is being put forth to start some change.  The Fed will completely resist this, and if a socialist orientated person gets in the high office, this will be thwarted as this is NOT what the Powers That Were want.  The PTW have made billions if not more on the concept of usury, interest and transaction tax (like selling and reselling a house or car).  This will eliminate much of this, and make a standard rate that is simplistic.  Should Trump remain in office (and they are fighting with everything they have to get him out), I see this portion of NESARA moving forward sooner rather than later as Trump doesn't want this to depend on the result of November 3rd (and THIS announcement may be tied to the October surprise).  

I don't see an increase in benefit to seniors, but rather the underlying structure will be revamped to increase the purchasing power of what they already have.  Pharma and medicine will be in the radar for this, and things will be put in better check (lower costs keeping more money in senior's pockets).  Again, this will go a different direction with socialism.  People will be given handouts, but the cost of goods will also rise via taxation, so the inflation will cancel the gains. 

Constitutional Law will be held in much higher regard.  Rather than interpreting a law, the law will be the law.  This is another reason that the Supreme Court is such a hot topic and the dems are blocking the appointment.  The socialists have started a trend that if the law doesn't fit their narrative, they try to bend it.  With this element of NESARA, there will be no bending.

The meddling in other country's matters will be re-evaluated too.  People that have fought wars for decades, even centuries aren't going to change culture or beliefs because some other entity comes in and says their way is right.  The best way to deal with this is to help negotiations and create peace.  I see this going on currently, and has been for a while.  This take time, and lots of patience.

I do see that patents will be released if we continue to do so with more conservative leadership.  Not because conservative is better, but because the left leaning socialists are in cahoots with the PTW (namely -oros and bought and paid for them in one way or another).  There are also conservatives that may not be honorable, but they haven't been infiltrated to the extent the socialists have (yet).  

And that was my intuitive impression of NESARA as it stands today.  I would love to hear your impression too.

Love and light, Lynn 

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Saturday, October 17, 2020

New Podcast - Psychic Focus Lynn


Hi everyone!  People have been asking about some of my older work, and I'm super excited to announce that I now have my own podcast.  Many of you know that my old YouTube channel was shut down by the censorship police, and I lost several hundred videos in the process.  Lucky for me I saved my audio source files.  I've started to upload some of my earlier work, and plan on intermingling my current work as well.  Please check me out and let me know what you think.  I hope you enjoy listening! 

Please share this with anyone you think may be interested.  It really helps me out!

Pocket Casts:

Love and light, 

Friday, October 16, 2020


Many of you may have discovered that the YouTube police have made another round of de-platforming people.  I've been safe so far, but as a way to back up my content I opened a account.  Please feel free to check it out and bookmark the page.  For now it is censorship free.... 

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Locals - NEW!

Please check out my new book. Now Available: Psychic Focus Journey

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Interview with Next Level Shit

Hi everyone!  It's been a busy week.  I was recently interviewed on a podcast called Next Level Shit.  Great conversation (thanks Dave!).  Please check me out!  It is available on many platforms.  Have a great Saturday and Sunday!

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Patreon/SubscribeStar: Patomskiy Crater

Q. Hi Lynn, The Patomskiy Crater is a curiosity to Geologists. If you find it interesting, I would love to know how it was formed and when. Thank you for sharing your gifts. Much Love,  

A. To see my response to the above and video discussion, please visit me on Patreon or SubscribeStar.

Love and light (and Lots of Gratitude), Lynn

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