Thursday, November 28, 2019

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Preventing Psychic Attacks from Across the Veil

Q.  Could you look at ways to prevent psychic attacks?  I know there are mind control groups out there, but I am referring to negative entities and spirits.  Perhaps they both attack humans in the same way.  How do you protect yourself?

A.  There is so much energy right now between shifts in our consciousness, shifts of our earth, and our own internal emotions that I felt this question was very important to address.  I see the energy being really intense for the remainder of 2019 as we approach the end of the year and the holiday time.  When we are under stress, illness or even tired it is essential to set and maintain your protection and set your boundaries.  I wanted to give you some things to be mindful of as you work through the process.

Be Mindful:  Throughout the day, just take a moment to say a positive mantra.  It doesn't have to be lengthy or even exact quotes, just something from the heart.  It could be as simple as "please shower me with white light" or "only allow high vibrational beings in my presence." 

Maintain a Positive Outlook:  No one is perfect, but if you consciously make effort to see things in the positive, your attitude will create your reality.  When you see the positive, positivity will come back to you.  If you focus on the negative, it will become your reality and you will draw negative energy on yourself. Don't be a magnet for negativity.

Visualize:  Close your eyes and visualize the protection.  Create a bubble of white light, or see the light shine down on you.  Imagine and feel what the warmth, comfort and protection feels like. 

Food/Diet:  This is a tough time of year, but try to eat healthier, non-processed foods.  The toxins in these foods make the immune system work in overdrive and make it weak.  When the immune system is weak, illness can take hold.  When we feel bad, it makes it difficult to be mindful, visualize or maintain a positive outlook. 

Crystals:  Sometimes we like to help strengthen intent and use tools to increase vibrations.  Crystals are WONDERFUL at helping to accomplish both.  Chose ones that call to you, or draw your attention.  Carry them, use them and put them all over your space. 

Orgonite:  I am a big believer in orgonite.  The compression of crystals and metal in a resin create a huge amplification of the energy and vibrations.  The elevated vibration makes it difficult for any outside interference or attacks. 

And that is all I have.  If anyone else has any tips or experience, please share in the comments.  Love and light, Lynn

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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Patreon/SubscribeStar: JFK Jr.

Q. Please revisit any updates on JFK Jr. Is he alive? Will we hear of him soon? Thank you, Lynn

A. To see my response to the above and video discussion, please visit me on Patreon or SubscribeStar.   Love and light (and Lots of Gratitude),  Lynn

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Monday, November 25, 2019

Removal of Monetary System

Q. Is there a future where the monetary system is removed, when almost all areas of human labor are covered by automation, like Star Trek for example? What would it look like?
A.  I do see between automation and AI, a lot of human labor will be replaced.  

I am then taken to an image of the "U-Scan" at Walmart.  You once used to wait in line and had someone check you out.  Now, you scan, pay and bag your own merchandise.  This isn't a full out automation system because human interaction is needed, but the use of technology is replacing human effort. 

I see this as just a baby step for what is to come.  In some factories there are enough robotics, automation and programmed systems that they run in the dark with very little human interaction.  This will continue to increase.  The cost of equipment is much cheaper than employees, issues tied to employees (sick time, performance reviews, vacations, training) and their benefit plans.  Programming equipment also cuts down on human error, and manufacturing and other factories see this being beneficial.

Within the next few generations, the automation will be more and more.  I'm not sure I see it like a "Star Trek," but definitely more computerized and mechanical.  

As far as money goes.  I see our financial system transitioning into electronic currency.  I hear the phrase "Cash is King, Down with the King."  It looks like paper currency will become a thing of the past, and even be discouraged.  The more we can be controlled and monitored, the more the PTW (Powers That Were) will push for it.  
(I have done readings on this topic, and will attach a few to the bottom of this post). 

I see the monetary system as different from what is going on with our automation, but both are going to change our lives and culture in a drastic way over the next 20 years.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn

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Friday, November 22, 2019

Norse Gods

Q.  Hey, I love all your work!  I have some questions about the Norse Gods I was hoping you could answer.

Has Ragnarok already happened? It was always regarded as a prophecy in the stories, but always wondered if that already happened as it was a prophecy from an old civilization.

As I look at mythology, religion and even Gods of other cultures, I see a lot of overlap.  It is like the stories overlay each other, and it is really one event, person, etc and cultures pass on their stories as they remember, filling in the blanks to make sense of it all.  As the stories pass down, it is similar to the "telephone game" and subtle changes occur as the story continues on through the generations.

Specific to Ragnarok, I get this has occurred.  It occurred thousands of years ago.  This looks to have rooted back to when there was a great battle of ETs, and many fled or went underground.  Enki, who controlled the air and water (and not totally sure who this God was in Norse culture since I see all the overlap) created a "great flood" in which the sea level rose in this area.  As a result, many people perished, and the civilizations had to rebuild.  It took time, and there were several humans involved in the rebuilding.  It was a fresh and difficult start after having gone through a tough battle on earth.  

If they (the Norse Gods) are still around where do they stand on what is currently going on with the world?  Have they picked a side on things? Especially Odin, Loki, Thor, and Baldur. There were also two races among them the Aesir and the Vanir who were either Nordic Aliens, Enlightened beings or true deities, etc?
As I look at the two races, I see the Aesir race as human and grounded, whereas the Vanir were the Nordic ETS. 

The Norse Gods listed above look  as though they were here on earth.  They all had unique properties, and were human / ET hybrids.  They were actually both Aesir and Vanir, and looked to stand tall very tall, and towered over humans.  I would say 7 to 8 feet tall with light colored hair and skin.  

They are not currently here on earth, but do hover over in spirit (I see something that looks like a fiery comet or fireball caused them to perish??).  They do guide and protect over their lands.  Those that worship the earth and are very in tune to the vibrations of the earth can feel their presence.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you for the great suggestion!  Love and light, Lynn

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Today only... I wanted to share...

(The Ordering Window is now Closed- Have a good night! 😴)

Hi everyone!  Today only (Friday) doTERRA is having a buy one, get one free sale on Deep Blue.  If you buy the Deep Blue essential oil blend, you get the Deep Blue Rub for FREE.   I have talked about Deep Blue before, and this oil is AMAZING.  If you have aches, pains, stiffness, etc.  this oil is for you!  

If you would like to try it for yourself, please reach out to me.  I will even cover the shipping in the continental US.  

My video and testimony on Deep Blue:

*Orders need placed by 8 PM EST.  

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Cash App and Brave

Hi.  As people share things with me that are beneficial I like to share them with you.  I recently learned of an app called Cash App.  It works super easy (and doesn't have all the fees).  If you are someone who likes to pay using your phone, you may really like this.  Go to the following link using your phone: and you'll get $5 when you do your first $5 transaction.  

I know I mentioned this last week, but wanted to do another quick shout out about the Brave (censor free, no spyware) browser.  It is super user friendly and visually mimics Chrome. Please check this out for yourself and use the following link if you'd like to download it:

Have a great day!  Love and light, Lynn

Patreon/SubscribeStar: Loretto Staircase

Q.  Lynn what is the real story behind the building of the spiral staircase in the Loretto Chapel. The story goes that it is built without nails from wood that is not of this earth.

A.  Interestingly, the article I linked has three main points that add to the mystery of this staircase.  I wanted to break this down by addressing each. 

1.  Who built it?

2.  What type of wood was used?

3. How was it build without using nails?

A. To see my response to the above and video discussion, please visit me on Patreon or SubscribeStar.   Love and light (and Lots of Gratitude),  Lynn

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Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Chakra Series: 9 of 9 / Soul Star Chakra

Hi everyone!  I am back with the 9th and final installment of my series dedicated to Chakras.  I'm hopeful that you have learned some insightful information that you can incorporate into your life, meditations or even have mindful self-reflection.  I hope you enjoy, and as always, please feel free to leave comments below.  I'd love to hear your experience.

9 of 9:  Soul Star (Color:  White / Combination of ALL Colors) 
This chakra starts at the crown and extends upward into the etheric body.  This chakra can funnel tremendous amounts of energy downward into your other chakras.  You should considering working on aligning the bottom eight chakras FIRST before doing energy work in this regain.  

This chakra is truly the energy center that helps to activate higher vibrations and allow you do make connections to Source.  It is even thought that this chakra is the most important one to achieve enlightenment.  

You may notice yourself feeling different or off balance when this chakra needs work.  Meditating and being with your thoughts is the single most effective way to stay in balance and create harmony within yourself. 

One of the most powerful crystals you can use is white selenite.  This crystal carries a very high vibration and works will with the frequency of the soul star. Danburite is also another good choice.  Carry them close, wear them and use then when you meditate.  (I even leave a selenite tower beside my bed}.  They can really enhance and amplify your intent.

Frankincense  is also a great oil when working on this chakra.  You can enhance it by adding Grapefuit, Marjoram and Wintergreen essential oils.  Apply to the crown, and diffuse them when meditating.  This with the crystals mentioned above will help to create a very intense meditation.

(As I publish a weekly segment, I will tag them "Chakra Series" to you can readily pull the post up for your reference).

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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Patreon/SubscribeStar: Mt. Shasta

Q. I would like to request a blog reading on the fascinating subject of Mt. Shasta. Based on past readings, I suspect this is a subject you will be able to (and feel comfortable) delving into... Mount Shasta is a potentially-active volcano in the Cascade Range of Northern California, and one of the world’s preeminent sacred mountains. Artifacts uncovered show 11,000 years of human habitation and associated myths and legends date back 10,000 to the locally indigenous Karuk tribe. The mountain often described as a “spiritual vortex” is a popular retreat for the new-age crowd prominent in NorCal, but is an indisputable historical hot-spot for mysterious happenings such as disappearances and supernatural encounters: Most intriguing is the legend of the lost continent of Lemuria, rumored to be living in an advanced civilization deep within the mountains. Stories of reported encounters with Lemurians share eerily similar circumstances across all cultures and over thousands of years. Lemurians beings are described as abnormally tall and strikingly fair (almost similar to Tall Whites and other ET’s). Mt. Shasta is another example of how Native American lore often correlates with current day supernatural hot-spots. The below posted Travel Channel episode of “Mysteries at the National Parks” Details unexplained occurrences. Most interestingly, a Karuk tribal medicine man is featured, and he describes a personal encounter he had in his teens and also shares tribal elder’s input on Mt. Shasta: I hope you can help, thanks in advance!

Lemurian Woman Composite image:

A. To see my response to the above and video discussion, please visit me on Patreon or SubscribeStar.   Love and light (and Lots of Gratitude),  Lynn

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Monday, November 18, 2019

More Orgonite

Hi everyone!

My husband has a few more pieces that he'd like to share with you.  I had a request for some clearer pics, so I am updating everything (click on the pic itself to see it larger).  If you would like any additional photos, please let me know.  These are truly amazing quality (very heavy and full of reclaimed metallic and crystal content).  Additional information can be found under the "Orgonite" tab above or you can email me.  

Love and light, Lynn


What's in the cards for November 21st through 23rd?

Q.  This video points to big things happening on November 21st through November 23rd including an attack on Hawaii and tsunamis hitting the east and west coasts of the USA:

Your thoughts, please?

A.  As I watched through this video, he did have some interesting points that made me pause, but in the end I kept hearing the words "fear porn" in my head.  

There are symbols out there, and agendas being played out, but not everything is a puzzle to be solved. The truth is in plain sight, and when you combine this with the lack of trust we have in our government, people have their eyes always scanning for a miss-truth or misleading information.  We are growing tired of being in the dark and have to constantly have our radar running.  I get that for some people, when their minds are in overdrive they start to see things that may not be there.  I don't want to discount this man's work, and his gematria calculations are amazing, but I cannot connect to an event happening during this time frame in November.  I further do not see this type of event happening within 2019.

The Economist does display events that are set to occur if the current timeline doesn't shift, but I still don't see a connection to a tsunami event in Hawaii.  Always be cautious and continue to pay attention, but I feel you can (based on what I see) relax through the month of November.  

I'm curious of your thoughts and deductions of this cover (there is a LOT on there).  Feel free to leave a comment.  

Love and light, Lynn

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Saturday, November 16, 2019

Go Brave!

Hi everyone!  I know I talk about censorship and monitoring quite a bit.  I was turned onto the Brave browser several months ago.  Use and functionality mimics Chrome, but there is no spying and monitoring.  Now that I'm used to it, I cannot imagine going back. Please check this out for yourself and use the following link if you'd like to download it for yourself (and enjoy the freedom):

I also hope you are enjoying the site ad free!  Allowing ads on my site was no longer a win-win for both sides, and it appeared the numbers were being manipulated so I chose to block them all (if you'd like to make a donation in liu of the ads, it is never expected but always appreciated 😃).  I think the is site cleaner, and the content stands out more.  I'd love to hear what you think! 

Hope you are having a great day!  Love and light, Lynn

Friday, November 15, 2019

New Services: Certified Life Coaching and Distance Reiki

Hi everyone!

I'm excited to announce I'm offering two new services: 

Intuitive Life Coaching:  I realize that people may need guidance, but not necessarily a reading.  I have always tried to help in any way I can, but I wanted to take it a step further and became a Certified Life Coach.  Using my intuitive abilities paired with coaching will help and guide you to find answers through your own insight and clarity. The intent is to tackle challenges, set and achieve goals through a feasible action plan.  You will have my assistance and support along the way. This can be scheduled in 30 or 60 minute sessions and done via phone, chat or zoom (this is a free app similar to Skype). 

Distance Reiki:  Several years ago my spiritual path led me to study Reiki.  I became a Reiki master two years ago, and began using this skill on friends, family and myself.  I truly love this form of energy work, and find it healing mentally, emotionally and physically.  Even though I am constantly sending healing out to people, I wanted to take a more focused approach and offer individualized attention in a dedicated session.  We will coordinate a time to work together, and I would ask that you relax, find a comfy place, clear your mind, be in nature, walk or even meditate (what ever works for you) while you open yourself up to receiving the energy. 

If you have any questions, you can click on the Life Coaching or Reiki tabs above, or feel free to contact me.  I'm happy to help and look forward to working with you.  Love and light, Lynn

Friday Mysteries #5

By Lynn & A Man Called Da-da
Welcome to a post-Halloween/pre-Holiday/pre-SHIFT set of Friday Mysteries. Let’s get started:

1. Mushroom Duality
Speaking of the holidays, every mushroom has its poisonous counterpart. Is that by design?
Lynn: I see a Yin-Yang sign. Everything has a precise counterpart; it’s not bad or good, but everything works in this strange universal balance. 

Da-da: Is that a Third Density (3d) law? Will that be the case on the New Earth (NE)?

Lynn: Yes, it is mainly a 3d thing, or interpreted that way in the 3d. We will still have balance in the NE, but our view of it will be much more abstract.

2. The “Great” London Fire of 1666 
What was the real cause of the “Great" London Fire of 1666? Was it connected to Guy Fawkes and the (fake) gunpowder plot (i.e., the re-establishment of the monarchy)? Dockworkers reported seeing “ships in the air.”

Lynn: I get it was a little bit of both. The plot played into it, but the monarchy… they would do anything to maintain power. Besides the fake plot, I feel like there were ETs involved in this, too. They started the fire to show that the monarchy was in charge and had seriously dark support. We think things are dark now, but back then the only truth you got was what they told you. Truth was virtually inaccessible.

Da-da: The fire was started by ETs?? What did they look like? And... the monarchy was plugged into the ET world even back then?

Lynn: The monarchy has always had connections to the reptilians. The archons (who run the reptilians) are selective as to when they show their face. The ETs involved felt like a more subdued version of the reptilians; they had a more human quality to them.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Drudge Report

Q.  Many people have noted that the Drudge Report, a conservative news site aggregator with an extraordinarily large viewership, has changed to a decidedly liberal viewpoint in the last year. This has caused its' readership to plummet and would seem to be one of the worst business decision ever made. One would presume that the PTB have in some way taken control of the site as it would be irrational to just stop being one of the most successful sites on the internet. What do you see?

A. When I first tune into this, I do get the PTW (Powers That Were) have infiltrated The Drudge. This site was one where people (I get) would come and learn about alternative news stories, stories that were suppressed by the mainstream and stories that showed alternative perspectives. At The Drudge got more popular, the PTW could not have that, and they look to have infiltrated this site.

As I look at it closer, I hear the phrase (and it is incomplete, but I can make out part of it) about a "double opposition" or some kind of opposition in which people pretend to be open minded, alternative and free thinking, but in reality their goal is to pass and enforce agendas in motion. Could be with a false narrative, incomplete reporting or even lies.

I also see that when things started to go bad on this site, there was some kind of money exchange. As stories got approved to be published, certain ones with a more liberal stance or inaccuracies were flagged. Some kind of internal checks and balances created difficulty in allowing them to go through. At that time, the people behind the stories basically gave The Drudge the ultimatum that they could block the stories, and they would slowly crumble the site (think A-lex J-nes) or they had the option to take a nice payday and run the stories.

I do get The Drudge resisted at first, but they could only go so long with the constant interference (did the site go down for a short time or struggle with their security license?????). They finally gave in, and now it has created a new type of forum...

As always, listen to your intuitive filter.

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light, Lynn

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Patreon/SubscribeStar: More on Cryptos

Q. Thanks. Love your info. I was wondering if you see anything with crypto currencies? Do you see them in use 5 years from now? Are we in the beginning phase of adoption or is this going to be something 1% of the population is aware of and use? Are cryptos designed to be used by the masses so we can be controlled even more? Thank you!

A. To see my response to the above and video discussion, please visit me on Patreon or SubscribeStar.   Love and light (and Lots of Gratitude),  Lynn

To view free public posts, videos and discussion, please view any of the following platforms: 

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Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Chakra Series: 8 of 9 / Crown Chakra

Hi everyone!  I am back with the 8th installment of my series dedicated to Chakras.  I'm hopeful that you have learned some insightful information that you can incorporate into your life, meditations or even have mindful self-reflection.  I would like to continue on discussing the Crown Chakra, why it is important and some crystals and oils that can enhance work on this energy center of the body.  I hope you enjoy, and please feel free to leave comments below.  

8 of 9:  Crown Chakra (Color:  Indigo / Violet) 
This Chakra is important when making connections to your higher self and also for self-reflection.  This energy center is the gateway to the Universal energies from above.  Spirituality, selflessness and empathy are also housed in this Chakra.

If you find yourself wanting to strengthen your spiritual connection, or feel you need some healing in this area, you may want to work on this Chakra.  Nourishing the energy and keeping this chakra clear helps to enhance the connection to your higher self and allow you to have more clarity in various situations.

Physical symptoms can also arise from trauma or energy blockages in this area.  Headaches, migraines or even memory issues can arise if this Chakra needs some attention.

Clear crystal quartz and Selenite are both high vibrational crystals that work well with the Crown Chakra.  The advantage to Selenite is it is self cleansing, and can keep other crystals clear when placed near it.  Selenite is also a good choice to have near your bed to offer protection during sleep since our subconscious is freely flowing. 

I like to put these near me when I meditate.  I most always chose clear crystal quartz when I do readings as it offers protection, and also raises vibrations as I tune into other people.


Frankincense and Myrrh are great oil choices to aid in opening and healing this chakra.  I suggest applying them to the base of the head, or diffusing them during meditation or throughout the day.

(As I publish a weekly segment, I will tag them "Chakra Series" to you can readily pull the post up for your reference).

To view free public posts, videos and discussion, please view any of the following platforms: 


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Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Patrons/SubscribeStar: Oil Spill near Brazil

Q. Hello Lynn, may I pose this question? Brazil beaches have been polluted by oil from Venezuela!  The Northeast area beaches from Brazil are experiencing a wide and unseen pollution by the oil spill.  The heavy oil characteristics indicate that the origin can be linked to Venezuela oil sources. Was there a ship sinking next to the coast? Was it intentionally done once Brazil´s Bolsonaro president was tough on Maduro? Can the spills of just one ship be responsible for the wide pollution? Brazil´s environmental minister suggested that Greenpeace could be the one who ordered the spill(s). Could you possibly clarify a little?  (This started late September and the area of the contaminated beaches are still spreading, mainly to more southern localities right now) Thanks!

A. To see my response to the above and video discussion, please visit me on Patreon or SubscribeStar.   Love and light (and Lots of Gratitude),  Lynn

To view free public posts, videos and discussion, please view any of the following platforms: 

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Monday, November 11, 2019

Tunnel of Light

Q. We know we are to avoid the Archon tunnel of light after death since it leads to washing the mind and reincarnating back into the 3-D.  What exactly do we look for after death? The blue light, or something else?   I think this is a very Important question.

A.  This is an important question that a lot of people want to know and ask about.  

I have always seen that when we pass we have options.  There really are no "rules" as the options depend on a variety of things.  I see it more like a flow-chart, with very blurry lines as things can overlap too.  

Part of your choice depends on what you WANT to do.  Do you want to stay and guide/protect people and loved ones?  Do you feel you have something unfinished you want to see completed?  Do you have trauma tied to the life you just left and moving on doesn't feel right?  There are many reasons that a person may want to stay close or tethered to the 3D world they just left.  

Should you want to progress, and move forward, you may still chose to guide.  You have the option to align with Source, and allow him to work through you.  Not because you feel you need to, but because that is how you feel you are best served (by serving others and helping them in their greater good).  You may chose to ascend as much as you can in spirit versus the 3D, and reside in the spirit plane for a while.