Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Q. Hi Lynn,  Do virus actually exist or are they fictional entity created by the western medical field to explain things that they don't have a cure for? If they do exist, why are modern medicines ineffective against them?  Additionally, the video below gives many arguments that virus doesn't exist.

A.  [Note: I did share the above link, but I did not watch it because I wanted to do this reading without the bias]. 

I do get viruses exist, but they are not natural.  I see when ETs came to Earth they would occasionally bring elements (for lack of a better word) that were benign to the ETs, and those elements could infiltrate beings here that were not resistant.  The elements almost look like parasites, but evolved into what we call viruses.  

The same also applies to meteors that have landed here.  I specifically see a very lush jungle.  It is humid, hot, and the vegetation is thriving.  I sense it is near the equator.  Tiny meteors start to fall, and the light in the sky looks like rain.  I see these tiny meteors land in the jungle, and on these "fallen rocks" are some kind of living elements just waiting to attach to a host.  This one scenario isn't the only virus to make it here by that method, but it illustrates the process in which it happens.  

The other type of viruses introduced into our population are man made using original viruses as a template or "seed" and forcing a mutation (specifically I see the words "AIDS and also variations of "Polio," "Chicken Pox" and "Herpes").  Some were to introduce an illness and then test a medication, some were for population control, and some were human error.   In the end, some viruses were a combination of all three.  

Viruses are difficult to cure because some didn't originate here, and we don't fully understand the virus.  I see them like an evolving parasite, and as they morph, we can't always predict what direction they will take.   

Q. Do germs and viruses have consciousness?  It may sound like an odd question, but are they primitive life forms.  Would it be possible to RV a cancer cell and learn why it mutates and find a way to stop it from spreading or kill it?
A.  They are a primitive life form.  When I tune into it, they do have a consciousness, and I get that is why you can use intent to force it to leave your body.  They are in some way a collective that is tied to source.

The cancer part is interesting. When I look at that, it isn't really a RV thing, but more of a clairvoyant approach.  I also see that you can't just "look" at it, you need to be able to do a "rewind" in time to see what was happening at the moment the mutation occurred (introduction of a toxin, trigger to genetic predisposition, pH imbalance, etc).  The best way to approach it would be to look at the illness, and place the intent into the reading of what was off at the initial mutation, and see what images come through.  The images could indeed show like a reverse movie clip, or you might see images of what is in the person's environment or body that isn't serving them well. From there, you can take action to work on improving health.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light-
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  1. Quite interesting. Is it the same for bacteria. Some scientists believe we are made from/up of bacteria. They are certainly smarter than us and know out body system well

  2. Very interesting, indeed. So, who was behind the AIDS virus?

  3. What a shocker! You mean some viruses are actually man-made? I can guess some were created by the big pharmaceutical companies so that they can sell their anti-virus drugs for a handsome profit at the expense of people suffering. How evil can they get!

  4. hi Lyne this is fascinating. I have Fibromyalgia and CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome ) and would love a reading on what you feel about these since this kind of awful suffering affects so many of us. Where did it come from is it environmental or something different. would love inputs on this. Thanks for you wonderful insights.

  5. And now the $1.98 question: will viruses exist on the New Earth? And will mosquitos? Flies? Spiders? (We know attorneys don't make it. ;)

    1. I hope mosquitoes don't make it!! After getting West Nile Virus with meningitis and encephalitis from a mosquito bite I don't like them much.

  6. Actually, now that youve read that, search for magnified views of viruses and you'll immediately see what Lynn is talking about: they are quite alien-looking.

  7. I wonder what would happen if we transported a virus to the Moon or Mars? Would it immediately die because it needs the conditions on Earth to survive or would it mutate and grow ? Either way, it would make a good sci-fi movie ...:)

    Thanks for your blog Lynn.

  8. Great reading, Lynn. I imagine we can do as you say and find the source so as to combat it.

  9. That’s a brilliant way to go about a cancer cure- it makes so much sense. Lynn, I’m calling on you for a body scan if I ever get cancer! Or a bad virus!

    Portis, I read about the deep stat3 having their hand in AIDS for population control. Parts of Africa kicked out the scientists who were doing experiments on their population due to deaths and sterility problems. No surprise Bi11 Gat3s was involved in some of that.

  10. @ Portis - Regarding who created the AIDS virus . . . there's a ton of information on the subject here:

  11. Great questions everyone!

    Thanks Cheryl and Charlie for giving Portis some info. I get it was a "population" cleanser and intentional. Not from apes at all.

    @Alex: Sadly, yes...

    @Tara: These do feel like they are caused from environmental triggers that spark inflammation in the nervous system.

    @Dada: I don't see these types of things being something we will worry about. :-)

    @Raymond: Would be a great book or movie. I don't think they could survive (or be easily transmitted without human to human contact).

  12. Thanks so much for your answers Lynn, had these symptoms ow since my early 20's I Like had 3 illnesses in a row and I was never the same, hit my immunity I guess. A lot of this was back in the early 80's and more and more tech, environmental changes occurred around that time. Early cell phones rudimentary internet and so on.

  13. I read in an Edgar Cayce book that viruses can't survive in an alkaline environment. Most people's systems are on the acidic side because of their diet. Cayce said in one of his hypnotic trance OOB sessions, that taking 1/2 to 1 tsp. of baking soda in a cup of hot water within an hour of feeling the cold symptoms coming on in the back of the nose and throat would stop a cold from developing further. He said to sip the solution throughout the day. Back in 2011 I decided to try it out for myself and haven't had a cold since then. I may have just one cup if it starts later in the day, or a few cups if earlier. I also put some of solution up into my nostrils. I may keep a cup on my bedstand for when I wake up in the middle of the night. I also take 1000 mg. of L-Lysine, which is supposed to keep viruses from replicating. The next day when I wake up, I have no more symptoms at all. It is the only genuine cure that I have heard of. Other things like Vitamin C, honey, vinegar may lessen the cold but not stop it dead in its tracks! Hope you try it. Remember, it must be started within the first hour of the symptoms!
